The Night Warriors

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Berk was in ruins; houses destroyed, homes gone. Dragos Bewilderbeast had finished Berk off by the time his human army had arrived. He scolded them for their lateness before ordering them to take in the prisoners. Men, women, and children were loaded onto the warships and thrown into the cells below deck. The Dragon Riders, however, were held on the main ship. Drago wanted to make sure that they wouldn't escape.

"You better let us go!" Astrid demanded, "Or you'll regret it!"

Kari rammed into her cell, but it stood strong. The Twins nibbled at the bars; thinking that if they did it long enough they'd chew through it. The other Riders sat quietly, thinking.

"Set sail for Beserker Island!" they heard Drago command from above. Then they heard the stomps of the crew as they got to their posts.

Valka sighed as she leaned up against the bars of her cell. I've fought against him for twenty years, she thought, yet I never knew that he had his own Bewilderbeast. How? She glanced up at her son; he was in a cell opposite to her. He was sitting with his head hung low and his was hugging his knees close to his chest. "Hiccup," she spoke carefully, "This is not your fault."

"Oh yeah," his voice sounded like defeat, "Then why are we here?" He looked up at her with sad eyes.

"Hiccup, if this is anyone's fault it's mine," Valka pushed back tears, "He has a Bewilderbeast and yet I didn't know. That's not a dragon that you can simply hide. Granted I...didn't run into Drago every time I freed a dragon, but that doesn't make up for my mistake. I'm sorry Hiccup. And...thank you for...pushing me out of the way."

Hiccup looked away, "To be honest. I don't think it was me who pushed you."

"What?" Valka didn't understand.

"I dunno," Hiccup admitted, "In the moment, it felt as if someone took over me and pushed you away."

"Stoick..." Hiccup heard his mother mumble. He turned to her, "Why was Toothless able to resist the Alpha?"

Everyone looked to Valka; waiting for her to answer. "He is your friend, right?" she smiled.

"Meatlug is Fishlegs friend," Hiccup pointed out, "Stormy is Astrids, and Cloudjumper is yours."

"Didn't Valkas Bewilderbeast say that Night Furies were an Alpha Species?" Fishlegs chimed in.

"That may be one reason," Valka noted.

"One?" Hiccup crawled closer to the door of his cell, "What's the other reason?"

Valka looked around, waiting to see if everyone was listening. "Well," she began, "When I was still living with the dragons, there was a time where I chased some Dragon Hunters for many, many, many miles. I chased them Southward into a land that wasn't Viking. I don't know what culture it was, but..."

"But what?" Hiccup gripped the bars of his cage.

"They beat me to them," she finally said.

"They? Who is 'they'?" Astrid asked.

"They called themselves the Night Warriors," Valka explained, "They're a dragon riding tribe. It...seemed as if they were a mix of Viking and...another culture that I'm not too familiar with. By the time that I caught up with the Hunters they had already set the dragons free. The second they saw Cloudjumper and I they swarmed us!"

Hiccup saw the astounded look in his mother eyes, "Mom...what dragons were they riding?"

"...Woolly Howls, Deadly Nadders, Sand Wraiths...just to name a few," Valka realized that she had tilted her head and was now looking at the floor. She looked back up, "But their dragons were covered in armor. Beautiful armor! And on that armor was their crest. It was a Night Fury."

"So, these people are all about Night Furies?" Snotlout tried to make sense of Valkas story.

"Seemed so," Valka continued, "They're Chief came to me. He was riding a Titan Stormcutter." She chuckled, "The size difference made Cloudjumper a little jealous. Anyways, I explained who I was and they told me that the Night Fury was the dragon of their people."

These people interested Hiccup, but he was getting frustrated, "What does this have to do with Toothless resisting the Alpha?"

Valka looked directly at her son, "Because they told them that the Night Fury was a dragon of magic."

"Huh?" Hiccup was more confused then before.

"I feel like they didn't explain it fully, but they said that the bond that is formed between a Night Fury and its Rider is like magic. It's stronger than a bond with any other dragon." Valka sighed, "Whatever this "magic" is might be why Toothless didn't kill you."

Hiccup sat back, taking it all in. "Was this the only time you talked to them?"

"Yes," Valka sat more comfortably, "I mean, one of them, the Chiefs daughter, asked if they're were any Night Furies where I lived. I told her that Berk would get attacked by a horde of dragons and that there would almost always be a Night Fury in with the horde."

"And then?" Ruffnut asked.

"She said "Let me go father. My Right of Passage is soon to come. Let me do there in that Archipelago." " Valka cleared her throat, "Her father agreed, but I haven't seen her anywhere. And I have no idea what this "Right of Passage" thing is."

"This is all neat and stuff, 'Snotlout cut in, "But how is any of this going to HELP US ESCAPE!?" He raddled the bars of his cage.

"It could help, "Hiccup though out loud, "Maybe...if one of us escapes they could try and find them. They might be able to help."

"What?" Valka disagreed, "Hiccup they are very far south! How would any of us get to them!?"

"I dunno," he stood up, a new hope rising with him, "But we have to try!"

The sound of clanging keys caught everyones attention. They turned just as one of Dragos men opened the door; flooding the dark room with light. "You," he pointed to Hiccup, "It is not your lucky day." He walked over to Hiccups cell. "Drago has ordered for your execution."

What!?" Hiccup and everyone gasped.

I have left you on another cliffhanger! *insert evil laugh here*

But seriously, I've got something to share! While writing this I was listening to the song "The Sound of Change" by Dirty Heads, ironically enough considering the situation they're in for this chapter. You might know where this is going, and your right. It has inspired a fourth story! Man! Just when I think that I'm writing the final story something inspires another one! That's twice now XD

I will give a tiny spoiler and say that this chapter hints towards the new story. I have do have a basic storyline thought out, but no details or a title yet.

If you haven't already go to Yotube and listen to the song. You'll love it! A friend of mine called theNightFuryfan95 has recently made a video with the song and it is GOOD! Check that out too! Anyways, see you in the next chapter!

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