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The sun shinned strongly over Berk as a new day began. Most of the villagers has gotten up long ago, but the scaly villagers, however, snoozed away. All but one. A fast moving shadow darted across the village. The villagers paid no heed to it; they knew who it was. Hiccup and Toothless sailed through the morning sky with a cheer in their hearts. Today felt as if it was going to be a good day. They did a u-turn back into the village and landed next to Hiccup's house. "Your in a good mood," Stoick chuckled as Hiccup climbed off of his dragon.

"I'm just feeling really good, " Hiccup patted Toothless, "I kind of feel like today is going to be a good day."

"Oh it is son!" Stoick smiled.


Stoick placed both hands on Hiccup's shoulders, "Your well past of age Hiccup. So, I've decided that it is time for you to become Chief!"

Both the color and joy drained from Hiccup's face, "What?"

Stoick chuckled as turned around and walked away a bit, "I feel that now is the right time! You've done many great things Hiccup!" He turned around to speak some more but only found Toothless, "Where's Hiccup?"

Toothless looked at Stoick, 'I, uh, think you scared him off.'


'Hiccup!' Toothless called out to his friend, 'Hiccup!'

"Over here!" Toothless heard Hiccup respond from his left. He rushed through the trees and into a clearing. Toothless saw Hiccup sitting there dangerously close to the edge of a cliff. His feet swung lazily over the edge.

'Hiccup!' Toothless ran over, 'Why in the world did you run off like that!?'

Hiccup stared up at the sky, "I'm not ready to be Chief...No way! What was my dad thinking?"

'He was thinking that your grown up,' Toothless sat down, 'You are the heir.'

"I-I know!" Hiccup stuttered, "But...I need more time!"

'Hiccup,' Toothless said seriously, 'You just turned twenty-four. You've faced exile, wild dragons, Dragon Hunters, and enslavement. I agree with your father. I think your ready. You owe it to him to at least let him teach you on how to be a Chief.'

Hiccup looked at his friend, "I suppose your right." He stood up; ready to return, "Alright Toothless. Let's go back."

Hiccup groaned and his head ached. He couldn't remember anything. As his head slowly started to clear he heard someone loudly sniffing from above. Then he heard the croons that could only be one dragon. Hiccup slowly blinked his eyes opened and stared at the Night Fury who, in turn, stared down at him with its big, blue eyes.

How to Train Your Dragon: MistakeWhere stories live. Discover now