The Beast Part Two

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Hiccup and Toothless flew past the Hawk. Toothless pumped his wings hard. The cold wind smacked his face and whipped his hair wildly. "Faster bud!" Hiccup urged. Within ten minutes they reached the Hysteric village. The cold, snowy mountains greeted them as they flew in.

'Hiccup...I smell smoke!' Toothless gasped.

"I think I see the village!" Hiccup squinted his eyes, "Oh no..." The village was in ruins. Smoke rose high as fires consumed the buildings. "Whoa..." Hiccup stared in awe at the giant stalagmites of ice covered half of the village.

'Hiccup...that ice...' Toothless felt his scales shiver from the cold, 'That's a Bewilderbesast...'

"Yeah," Hiccup agreed, "I think I understand what Drago is planning. Maybe we should-"

Suddenly Toothless jerked to the right; a Dragon Root Arrow sailed by. Hiccup looked down. Some Dragon Hunters were aiming their bows at them. "Toothless," Hiccup ducked as another arrow barely hit his head, "Water!" Toothless folded his wings and fell. They hit the water with a big splash. Toothless paddled through the water. Hiccup held his breath. He planned to at least take out a few of them on the way back up.


Hiccup looked ahead. He nearly forgot to hold his breath when he spotted a gigantic face staring at them. The face growled at them. Hiccup motioned for Toothless to surface. They broke the water and flew high. As they flew away Hiccup heard the screams of someone down below. He looked back and saw a large man, dressed in black, swinging around something long and shiny. On cue the surface of the water exploded as a muddy brown Bewilderbeast appeared. It's tusks swiped at the air as it brought it's massive paws down on the ground.

"His dragon!" Hiccup exclaimed, "Toothless! This is our chance!"

'This is a bad idea!' Toothless warned his friend as he circled back towards the dragon.

Hiccup unclipped Inferno and ignited it. I have to try. I have to try, he repeated to himself. As Hiccup readied himself he heard the same man yell again. The Bewiderbeast roared angrily at them; it's icy breath expelling from it's mouth. Hiccup continued to fly towards the dragon, but, in a split second, panic set in. "Toothless look out!"

Hiccup and Toothless pulled a hard right just as the dragon released his ice. It exploded across the ground and clipped Toothless' fake tail fin.

'Hiccup!' Toothless cried.

They spun out of control. Thinking on his feet Hiccup turned around and climbed towards the tail fins, Inferno held in his mouth. Hiccup stopped at the base of the tail and pulled the tail fins closer. He held Inferno with one hand as he tried to use the fire to melt the ice. As he did so an arrow shot past him.

Once the ice was melted enough Hiccup clipped Inferno then used his bare hands to pry open the tail fin. It shot open just time for Toothless to catch some wind and sail upwards. Hiccup hung onto his friends tail before scooting backwards to get back to his seat. And then, they heard the loud roar of the Bewilderbeast. Hiccup looked up in time to see the dragons tusks coming down. Toothless cried in pain as the tusks waked him, sending him spinning.

Hiccup jumped back into his seat and tried regain control. "Fly Toothless!" he shouted, "It doesn't matter where just fly!"

Toothless pumped his wings hard and the Bewilderbeast roared once more. Luckily, they were able to escape into the clouds before it fired again.

'What are we gonna do?' Toothless huffed. His chest ached with pain from the hit.

"We...We have to..." Hiccup tried to calm his racing heart, "We need to land. Far form here. To rest. Then we have to get back! I think Sunstone Island is close."

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