The Blue Alpha

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"Hiccup!" Astrid ran forward but a crewmen quickly grabbed and pulled her back. They watched as Hiccup fell through the air. When Hiccup screams reached Toothless' ears the hypnotized dragon glanced down. As he watched Hiccup fall Toothless' breathing began to labor, his eyes dilated from slit to docile, and he started to shake he head.

'You dare to defy me again?' the Alpha growled, 'Obey me Night Fury!'

Toothless continued to struggle. When he looked down again pure panic broke through the Alpha's command. 'Hiccup!' Toothless shouted. He shot down after Hiccup.

"Wa! Stop this!" Drago ordered.

Toothless looked back at Drago, 'You are not my Rider!' Toothless barrel rolled and threw Drago off him.

The Alpha reached out and caught Drago with his right tusk and left Hiccup and Toothless falling through the air. 'You troublesome dragon!' the Alpha roared at before he could speak again a purple blast smacked him right in the face. He stepped back, stunned.

"What was that?" Fishlegs asked.

"That...looked like Plasma Blast," Heather confirmed, "But..."

"More dragons!" the same crewmen shouted.

They looked out to sea. And, to their shock, hovering just out of the Alphas reach, were five Night Furies. They had blink folds tied around their eyes.

"What!?" Astrid gasped.

"Night Furies!?" Valka couldn't believe it.

"But..." Tuffnut lost his train of thought.

"How?" Ruffnut finished for her brother.

"I definitely died didn't I?" Snotlout stared at the dragons.

" that?" Kari saw someone riding on the back of one.

"That's Eret!" Andres gasped.

"What!?" Kari stepped back, "Is he helping Hiccup!?"

"But why?" Astrid asked.


"Yeah! Nice shot!" Eret cheered.

'Why does the human have to ride me?' Silver groaned.

Eret ignored that, "Are you guys sure that your not getting influenced?"

'We're fine,' Echo said, 'We're far enough away to be out of reach for the hearing part. And these blind folds you suggested are keeping us from looking at him."

"Is that the same or you Thornado?"

'Yep,' the Thunderdrum hovered next to the Night Furies with his eyes concealed.

'Yay! Go Hiccup!' the other baby Scuttleclaws cheered.

Eret just rolled his eyes. "Fire again. In the same direction as before," he told the Night Furies.

The five released their fire. The Plasma Blasts rocketed through the air and smacked the Alpha in the face. He groaned and shook his head. His control over the other dragons began to slip. 'What? No!' the Alpha cried out, 'Drago will be upset! Obey me!' Another blast smacked the side of his head. The Alpha moaned, to tired to do anything.


'Hiccup!' Toothless tucked in his wings and fell closer to Hiccup; soon he was parallel to him. Hiccup straightened himself and reached for Toothless' saddle. He slipped his feet into the all too familiar stirrups. Then, with one click, they shot up into to air. 'Hiccup!' Toothless cried tears of joy, 'Wait...why do you smell like a female Night Fury?'

"Not important right now," Hiccup looked at the bullhook he stole from Drago, "Get me has close to that Bewilderbeast as you can." Toothless u-turned and flew at the Alpha.

"Take control of it!" Drago ordered the Alpha.

The Alpha forced his thoughts into Toothless' head, but once he saw the bullhook in Hiccups hand, he stopped.

"He won't attack anyone that's holding this," Hiccup realized.

"What are you doing you stupid dragon!?" Drago yelled at the Bewilderbeast.

Angered by that statement Hiccup waved to Eret; signaling for him to stop the Night Furies. And then, everyone held their breath.

Toothless flew close to the Alphas face. The Alpha whimpered at the sight of the bullhook.

"No. No." Hiccup outstretched his arm, "No more." He then chucked the bullhook far away into the rubble of the destroyed homes. Then Hiccup stretched out his hand towards the Alpha, "Take me closer Toothless."

Toothless slowly flew closer to the Alpha who, meanwhile, stared at Hiccup; amazed by the kindness. As the world watched in silence Hiccup placed his hand on the Alpha; offering a bond instead of enslavement. The Alpha closed his eyes and purred; accepting it.The Alpha opened his eyes and looked at Hiccup, 'I never wanted to be Alpha.'

"Then why did you become it?" Hiccup rubbed the dragon scales.

'Drago ordered me to,' the Alpha explained, 'I must do what he says or he'll hurt me.'

"He shouldn't be doing that," Hiccup forced down his anger, "He shouldn't treat you the way he does. That's not a true bond."

'It's not?'

"No, it's not." Hiccup sat back, "What he does is called abuse. And it's wrong!"

Upon this realization, the Alpha released the other dragons from his control. They shook their heads then hovered there, confused. Hiccup smiled; he had won.

"Hiccup look out!"

Just as Hiccup turned around a net smacked into him and Toothless. The rope entangled itself in the stirrups and sent them crashing to the ground.

"Hiccup!" Valka shouted.

Taking his chance Drago jumped off of the tusk and bolted for Hiccup. When he reached his opponent Drago reached through the net and grabbed Hiccup by his throat.

Hiccup gasped for air as he tried to pull the big hand off of him.

'Hiccup!' Toothless fought against the rope. As he watched Drago squeeze the life out Hiccup a strong power filled every inch of his body. He hadn't felt this power in a long time. With fury Toothless fired a blue Plasma Blast at Drago; sending the mad-man flying. Now free from the rope Toothless jumped in front of Hiccup, who was gasping for air. Toothless' back spines, nose, mouth, and forehead glowed roared out with all of his anger; the ground shook from the mighty voice.

' that Toothless?' Raven felt a shiver go down her spine, 'He sounds strong!'

The Alpha stepped back, stunned by the powerful and dominate voice, 'I don't want to be Alpha anymore. You show to be an Alpha species more worthy than I, Night Fury. I submit to you.' Then the Bewilderbeast bowed.

Suddenly Dragos crewmen surrounded Hiccup and Toothless. One of them ran over to Drago. "Drago is dead!" he gasped.

Before anyone else spoke Toothless let out another, louder roar. Even Hiccup had to cover his ears. "Uh," Hiccup chuckled, "You'd be wish to free your prisoners now." Toothless growled at them. Preferring to stay alive the crewmen dropped what weapons they had and ran back to the ships.

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