Nobody Panic!

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The news of Drago Bludvists coming sent the elders of the village into panic. The younger villagers, however, had never heard of the man, but after seeing how panicked the elders are; they knew that he couldn't be good. Hiccup assured the villagers that the Chiefs would come up with a plan, but some people felt that he was trying to reassure himself more than anything. Two days after the news Hiccup and Toothless left for the Chiefs meeting; leaving both Gobber and his mother to watch over Berk. The other Tribes were coming by boat so it would take a few days for them to arrive at Beserker Island. In the meantime, the villagers followed through with Hiccup order; stockpiling the Cove so, if and when Drago came, they would have a safe place for the old and the young to hide.

"This is not what we need right now," Astrid sighed as she scanned the ocean. Stormy and her hovered above the villagers as they brought food through the forest and to the Cove.

'Toothless told me that he thinks that Hiccup is being tested,' Stormy said.

"Tested? By Who?" Astrid glanced down at the villagers; everything was going fine.

'The Gods? Fate? Life?' Stormy wasn't sure.


"Carry only what you can," Gobber instructed the people, "But don't take to much. We still need some food to stay. We don't know when he'll come." Gobber turned to his dragon, "Grump! Are ye gonna help or-". Gobber shut his mouth when he saw a little girl hugging Grump.

'It'll be okay,' Grump said sweetly to her, 'You don't need to cry.'

Gobber smiled then turned back to the villagers, "Hurry up now!"


"Nothing yet," Fishlegs scanned the are around him, "No Dragon Hunting ship in this section." Fishlegs crossed out and area on the map in his hands.

'I don't understand,' Meatlug groaned, 'Why would Dragon Hunters warn us?'

"I dunno," Fishlegs had thought up everything he could, but no reason as to why came to light, "Maybe...they don't work for him?"

'Maybe this panic is apart of Dragos plan,' Meatlug suggested, 'Maybe he wants us to panic so we'd be unprepared for when he comes?'

Fishlegs gasped, "You may be right Meatlug! We've got to tell Valka when we get back!"


The sky was clear, but a dark cloud still hung over it. Everyone was on edge, even the dragons! 'I don't like this...I don't like this,' a Gronckle whined as he paced back and forth.

'Just what kind of human is he?' a Terrible Terror asked.

'The kind that scares dragons away!' a Deadly Nadder squawked.

'It's not just him,' a Monstrous Nightmare reminded them, 'He's got that dragon too...the icy cold, gigantic dragon. At least that what one dragon described it as.'

'Panicking isn't going to help anyone!'

The dragons looked up to see Toothless standing on a ledge above them.

'We're dragons and they're Vikings,' he said, 'Together nothing can stop us!'

'That's ironic for you to say,' the Nightmare sneered.

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