Sheep In a Lion's Den

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  A dark cloud hung over Berk. The death of a great leader like Stoick was hard to accept. Valka explained that as Stoick, Astrid, and her made it to the ship a large group of dragons suddenly exploded onto the deck and took off. Stoick had told them to stay put; as he would check it out himself. A few minutes had gone by before the girls and their dragons heard a terrifying scream. They rushed onto the ship, but just as they neared the door Hiccup suddenly bolted out in a complete panic. Valka went down only to discover the body of her dead husband. And now, a day later, Hiccup was nowhere to be seen. Valka had asked everyone to give him some time and space. She assumed that he hadn't of gone to far, but as the day turned into the afternoon and the funeral was drawing near, Hiccup was needed.

"Hiccup!?" Atrid called out as she flew over Berks forest, "Hiccup! Are you sure that he's this way?"

'Of course,' Stormy was very sure, 'I am a Tracker Class. But...why are you joining us Thornado?'

'He's my Riders son,' Thornado flew along side them, 'I should be there to comfort him.'

They continued to fly, but it soon became apparent that Hiccup had Toothless fly all over the forest so nobody could track them. 'How about we split up?' Stormy suggested, 'We'll go deeper into the forest. Thornado, you try the coastline.'


The two dragons flew off in opposite directions. But once they were far enough away Thornado stopped. He had an idea on where Hiccup was; and he felt like the less people around the better. The Thunderdrum still wore his saddle, refusing to have it taken off. The villagers assumed that it was because the dragon was grieving. It was a reason but the main reason why Thornado wanted it to stay on. Thornado turned from the direction of the coastline and flew into the forest.


For the first time in three hundred years Berk was silent. The pyre was ready, people had gathered, and now they waited for Hiccup. As the next Chief it was his job to start, but he wasn't here. After twenty minutes had gone by Valka walked up to Gobber, "I-I'll start it. I am-was his wife."

Gobber handed her the paper that held the words. He watched as Valka slowly walked over and stand directly in front of the pyre.

She stared at it with tearful eyes before collecting herself, "Thus Odin established by law that all dead men should be burned, and their belongings laid with them upon the pile, and the ashes be cast into the sea or buried in the earth..."


"Are you sure that you can't find him?" Astrid asked again.

'Yes, I'm sure...' Stormy looked this way and that, 'He...With how he spread Toothless' scent everywhere even a Rumblehorn would have a hard time!'

"Oh...Hiccup..." Astrid was surprised when her vision blurred and tears stung her eyes. She didn't cry so easily, "It wasn't your fault. Come on...where are you?"

'Maybe the Cove?'

"Maybe, let's go check."


"For men of consequence a mound should be raised to their memory, and for all other warriors who had been distinguished for manhood a standing stone; which custom remained long after Odin's time." Valka gave a nod and the pyre was lit. Everyone stood silent in respect for their fallen Chief. But many thoughts ran through their heads.

Is he even ready? one man thought.

Hiccup can't be Chief...not in the state that he's in, another thought.

How long will it take?

We can't go without a Chief!

"Alright, everyone," Valka motioned for the villagers attention, "I know what you all are thinking and your right. We can't go without a Chief. I'll try to talk to Hiccup. In the meantime....go about your daily lives."

Uncertain about the situation, the villagers slowly departed.

"What are we going to do?" Valka asked Gobber after the villagers had left, "We need a Chief and...who noes how long it will take for Hiccup to recover from this."

"I'm pretty sure that he knows it was an accident," Gobber prayed, "It was very foggy. Anyone could of walked up to him."

Valka sighed then looked up at the sky, Oh Hiccup...


As Astrid and Stormy flew the forest below sat silent. It was as if Mother Nature was having a moment of silence. Deep in the forest, near the remains of Raven Point, came the only sound.

Toothless gave out a small roar, the rumble had come again. Toothless' ears perked up as he tried to find it. But instead the dragon looked back. Hiding within the shadows Hiccup hugged the walls of a very small cave. Toothless looked back out into the forest then back at Hiccup. Instincts told Toothless to go and try and find the source of the rumble, but instead Toothless ignored it and walked over to Hiccup. This moment felt familiar. Toothless could see a younger Hiccup; huddled in shock and fright of the murder of the mad man he had committed.

'Hiccup...' Toothless sat down a few feet in front of his human friend, minding some personal space, 'It wasn't your fault.'

"I-I know..." Hiccup wiped away some of the tears, "I know! But..."

'Hiccup...Berk needs a Chief,' Toothless slowly moved closer, still wanting Hiccup to have some space, 'You won't be alone you know. Your father wouldn't want you to just hang onto this forever.'

Hiccup processed his friends words; he knew that Toothless was right, though really he just wanted to hide away from the world right now. "Right," Hiccup finally agreed, "We'll go back in a little while."

Toothless placed his head on Hiccups lap and purred softly. Hiccup rubbed his head. Both man and dragon loved times like this; quiet and alone.

"I'll try...for you dad," Hiccup sighed.

Unbeknownst to both Hiccup and Toothless, Thornado was above them on the cliff face. Although Thunderdrums were hard of hearing, Thornado was able to hear every words that was said. 'Hm,' he thought out loud, 'Maybe now is not the time for it. Don't worry Stoick, I'll give it to him...when he's ready for it.'

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