Fire and Ice

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Okay, so I did a little checking. If I continue to follow my 'chapter every Saturday' schedule then this story won't be finished until SEPTEMBER! That's way to far into the year! This can be fixed however. If you wish I can change the schedule for every TUESDAY and SATURDAY. Please tell me in a review! And yes this does mean that this story has 30 chapters like Scars and Broken. Because of Scars I have subconsciously limited myself to 30 chapters per story XD That is unless I decide to write a story that I know will take more than 30 chapters to complete *hint hint*

So please tell me if want two chapters a week and enjoy this chapter!


Chapter Four: What to Do With That Boy


As Hiccup and Astrid left to leave Toothless in the cove, Stoick and Valka sat quietly in their home. Valka was preapring for bed when Stoick suddenly spoke. "What am I gonna do with that boy?" he asked.

Valka turned towards her husband, "Do you really blame him considering the things he's been through?"

Stoick sighed as he pushed his chair out and stood "I know. But he never talks to people anymore. He's letting his fear of hurting someone take over him. I'm not going to be around forever."

Valka walked up to him, "Just give him time. It's all he needs."

"But how much time?" Stoick asked, "Hiccup has the makings for a fine Chief, but..." He let his sentence trail off with nothing more to say.

"Believe in him, "Valka begged, "Hiccup has faced many things before and he had more than just Toothless to face them with."

Stoick nearly chuckled at what Valka had said, "You mean Astrid? Ah! I don't see why he's so nervous. Astrid is strong, tough, and stubborn. It's not like she's gonna bite his head off."

"I've noticed too," Valka smiled, "Anytime she flies by he can't look away. But I believe that I know why he's being so shy."


"She's been the one helping him with his condition, "Valka explained, "More so than even us. I think Hiccup has come to think of her as a "safe place". And he may be scared of trying something and have it end up ruining their friendship."

Stoick pondered on this. "Hm, You may be right," he agreed, "But still, he's twenty-three."

Valka eyed Stoick, "Exactly how old were you when you and I were married?"

"...that's besides the point!" Stoick walked away from his wife and prepared himself for bed, "I'm just trying to do what's best for him."

"I know," Valka walked over and kissed Stoicks cheek. Then she turned and when to sleep. 

Thick fog surrounded Stoick on every side. The Chief was unable to see ten feet in front of him. Stoick squinted his eyes as he looked around. "Hiccup," he called out, "Valka?" Stoick took a step forward, unsure of where he was. Then, out of nowhere, he felt  off balance and even rocky as if he was on a boat.

The squeak of wooden caught his attention. Stoick spun around; hoping to see someone, but still nobody showed themselves. "Who's there!?" Stoick shouted, "Show yourself!"

A voice lingered in softly. "I'm not ready," it said, "I can't be Chief..."

"Hiccup?" Stoick stepped forward to where he believed Hiccup's voice came from.

"I'm sorry dad...I can't take over just yet...I...I might..."

"Hiccup!" Stoick tried to call out to his son, but it grew eerily quiet. 'Oh Hiccup', Stoick thought, 'I know that you've been through a lot...but...I guess I can delay my retirement for a little while longer. For you.'

Suddenly, the dense fog was filled an icy chill. A chill that even Stoick had never felt before. It made his bones shiver. Someone was here, Stoick could feel it in his guts. Someone he knew. Someone he hated. Stoick slowly scanned the area, even though that was pointless due to the fog. "Hm?" He saw a flicker of light. The spark of a fire?

Stoick walked carefully towards the fire. He watched as it swung back and forth, as if it was trying to scare something off. "Get away!" Stoick heard, "S-Stay back!"

"Hiccup!?" Stoick rushed forward, but stopped when heard a crunch under his feet. He looked down and saw arrows scattered about.

They were lit.

Stoick stood there, to shaken up for words. He understood now. The Gods were warning him about the future. As the old Chief looked up the fog began to lift. He could now see the outline of a figure. A figure he knows so much. The figure was waving around the fire rapidly, but nothing was around him.

Behind Stoick it was ice cold, freezing even. Ahead of him was burning hot. As if he was staring at the flames of Hell themselves. He knew that he had to choose which way to go; forward or backwards. Without hesitation Stoick took a step forward, the arrows crunching under his feet. The figure in front of him stopped waving their fire and turned slightly towards the sound.

Suddenly Stoick stopped. 'I'm not going to be around forever. Will he be fine without me?' the question snaked around Stoicks mind. Stoick looked at the figure. A single tear rolled down his eye. "A father does what's best for his son, "Stoick told himself. He walked forward, no intention of stopping or turning back. But then, the figure lunged straight for Stoick. He flung his arms up to defend himself.

Stoick jumped awake. He was at his table. Stoick remembered that he told Valka that he was going to finish a few more things then head to bed. He saw that someone had placed a blanket over him. Stoick was careful to move his chair so nobody woke to the sound. He stood. The fire was nearly dead. Stoick stepped forward to feed it some logs when his eyes caught the stairs.


Stoick walked over and climbed the small set of stairs. Having no door Stoick stood just inside of Hiccups room. He watched as Hiccup laid sleeping, blanket on the floor. Stoick walked over, picked up the blanket, and placed on a sleeping Hiccup. He looked over and saw that Toothless' bed was empty. Seeing that was odd. Everyone had gotten use to the dragon snores coming from the Night Fury as he slept in front of Hiccups bed, like that of a loyal dog. This thought made Stoick smile. Then he turned an quietly went down the stairs.

He returned to his table and grabbed a paper and charcoal pencil. Then he began to write. Stoick wasn't the best at it, but he choose his words carefully. Once he was satisfied with what he wrote Stoick rolled it up like a scroll and tied it with a small piece of rope. For a moment Stoick stood there, pondering. Who would he give this to? Stoick looked to his wife who was sleeping soundly in the bed underneath Hiccups room. He shook his head. No, I know who hold onto this, Stoick turned and left his home, he was careful to close the door gently. Then he started for the docks. 

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