Mysteries in the Night

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The setting sun casted an orange glow upon a tired Berk. The day felt as if it had gone on longer than it usually did and, just to be alone, Hiccup had been flying around over and over. Flying over the same places fifty times over. Toothless wanted to say something, but knew that Hiccup needed this quiet time to himself. And Toothless didn't blame him; not after the things he'd had been through. As Toothless carried his friend through the sky a low rumble caught his ears. His ears perked up. The low rumble was foreign yet...familiar.

Hiccup was laying in between Toothless' wing bones, hie eyes staring straight up in the darkening sky. "Maybe I should just tell him?" he suggested, "He'll understand...right? Toothless?" Hiccup pushed himself up. Just as he sat up Toothless suddenly halted in the air, a roar escaped his throat and echoed all around them. His eyes were dilated and he started spinning in a circle, as if he was looking for something or expecting someone to appear. The excited expression on Toothless' face was usually only seen when he was in a very playful mood.

"T-Toothless?" Hiccup tried to regain control of his dragon, "What has gotten into you!?"

Toothless let out a high-pitched roar as he sniffed the air repeatedly.

"What in the world is up with him?"

Hiccup turned see his mother and Cloudjumper flying towards them.

"I-I have no idea!" Hiccup again tried to gain control of his dragon, but failed, "He just started to freak out!"

Cloudjumper looked at his friend, 'Toothless. What is it?'

But Cloudjumpers question fell on deaf ears as Toothless continued to roar out.

"Do you think that you can help me get him back to the house?" Hiccup asked, "He might calm down there."


Nighttime had fallen on Berk, but it was anything but quiet.

"ODINS GHOST! WILL YOU SHUT HIM UP!" Stoick roared as he climbed up the stairs to Hiccups room. Toothless was racing around the room, roaring as loudly as he could.

Hiccup, who had his hands covering his ears which provided little support, was standing next to the top of the stairs. "I've tried everything. He's ignored an Eel! He's even more worse than Garff!" Father and son watched as the Night Fury bounced his way from one side of the room to another. "Whoa!" Hiccup ducked as Toothless' tail swung in his direction. Suddenly, Toothless halted and roared out, a Plasma Blast forming in his mouth. "Toothless no!" Hiccup ran over and closed Toothless' mouth before he could fire. The dragon was forced to choke back the fire.

Toothless looked to his friend, confused. The dragon managed to squirm free from Hiccupd grasped and knock his friend onto his back. Then Toothless continued his race around Hiccups bedroom.

Having grown annoyed to no return Stoick rushed forward and grabbed a surprised Toothless. He then pinned the dragons head to the floor. Toothless tried to break free, but Stoick didn't let go. Stoick looked to Hiccup, "If he's not going to shut up then leave him in what's left of the Cove."

"Right," Hiccup sighed.


"No! Toothless! This way!" Hiccup struggled to steer Toothless towards the Cove. Toothless roared loudly as he suddenly took a sharp left. "Toothless!"

Out of the shadows Stormy appeared and spooked Toothless; allowing Hiccup to steer him back towards the Cove.

"Man!" Astrid yelled over to Hiccup, "I've never seen any dragon so hyper! It's as if someone has given him some super Dragon Nip!"

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