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     After me and Gabe walked over to Jacob and started talking to him, I convinced Jacob to hang out with us instead of being alone.

The three of us walked into H&M so I could look at some clothes. I grabbed a few shirts and 2 pairs of jeans from a row of shelves, then I went into the changing room to try them on just for fun. When I came back out, I realized that I really liked one of the pair's of jeans, but they were too small, so I went to grab the next size up so I could try them on. There weren't any bigger sizes on the bottom or middle shelf, so I thought that there might be some on the top shelf.
I glanced over and saw that Jacob and Gabe were sitting at a bench next to some dresses. Jacob smiled at me, and Gabe didn't look at me because he was doing something on his phone. It looked like he was texting - but I couldn't really get a good look.
As I was struggling to grab a pair of jeans from the top shelf, since I am short, I heard someone walking up to me. I turned around and saw Jacob.

"Need some help?" He asked me.
"Yeah," I said, "I want the light blue jeans on the top shelf. There is only one left and hopefully it's the right size."
"Okay," he said reaching up and grabbing them for me, "here you are shorty."
"Haha very funny," I replied sarcastically, walking back to the changing rooms.

The pair of jeans that Jacob grabbed for me fit just right, so I walked out of the changing room with 3 things in my hands: two shirts and a pair of jeans. I then realized that there was no point in trying any of this on since I didn't have money, so I put them back and walked over to the boys.

"Aren't you going to get those?" Jacob asked.
"No, I don't have money," I said.
"I'll buy them," Jacob answered with a smile.
"No, it's fine, really!" I exclaimed.
"Oh come on, I have plenty of cash," Jacob said convincingly.
"Fine," I said as I rolled my eyes grabbing the clothes.
     I looked over and saw that Gabe wasn't saying anything to me or Jacob. He was still on his phone, and I could now tell that he was definitely texting someone.


For the next two hours, Gabe, Jacob and I hung out around town. At around 5 PM we all went home. Me and Jacob's houses are closer than me and Gabe's, so when we all walked home together, we went to Gabe's house first. When we got to his house, he hugged me, said goodnight, then went inside.
After he closed the door, me and Jacob headed towards our houses. Jacob walked me to my house. I hugged him as a friend, we said goodbye to each other, and then he walked home.
As I walked in the house I saw my mom and Chloe sitting on the couch watching TV.
"How was your day?" my mom asked.
"It was awesome!" I exclaimed.
"Why did you pick that Gabe guy over Jacob?!" Chloe asked.
"Because I like Gabe duh," I replied.
"But Jacob is like super nice, famous, and really cute!" Chloe said.
"But Gabe is nice and cute too, and he likes me. I don't even know if Jacob likes me, and I don't think he does." I explained to her.
"He totally likes you. And yeah I'm a little jealous, but you guys would be so cute together!"
"Chloe, just stop. Obviously she likes Gabe," my mom said to Chloe.
"Oh, whatever!" Chloe said, turning around and watching the TV again.
"Anyways," I said, "what's for dinner?"
"We ordered pizza and it should be here soon," my mom answered.
"Okay, well I'm going to my room," I said walking up the stairs.

     I got to my room, shut my door and checked my phone. I just got a text from Gabe.
     I looked at it and it said...

"I need to talk to you."

I Fell For You // Jacob Sartorius FanFic {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now