So Much Drama

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The Next Day

I woke up the next morning at 6:30 AM. You know what that means. School. I slowly got out of bed and went into the bathroom. I turned the shower on and brushed my hair as the water heated up.

After my shower, I got dressed. I put on this outfit:

After I got dressed I walked to the stairs

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After I got dressed I walked to the stairs. Just as I set my right foot on the first step, Chloe pushed me to the wall and ran down the stairs.
"Chloe! I almost fell down the stairs and broke my neck! Why are you in such a rush?"
"There is only a little bit of milk left and there is one waffle left! I call it!"
"Oh no you don't!" I said as I rushed down the stairs.
"It's mine haha!" Chloe exclaimed as she held the waffle with both hands.
"How did you even know there was little breakfast food left, anyway?" I asked, confused.
"I checked last night and I knew that you were going to eat the waffle and drink the milk if I didn't so..." Chloe explained.
"Whatever," I mumbled as I walked back upstairs empty-handed.

I got on the bus, put my earbuds in, and listened to some music. After a few stops, Jacob got on the bus and sat next to me.
"Hey," Jacob said as he set his backpack on the floor.
"Hi," I replied, trying not to blush.
"Did you get a good night's sleep?" He asked.
"Yes I did," I answered.
"Wait... are you and Sierra dating?!" A girl exclaimed from two seats in front of me and Jacob. She looked about 11 or 12 years old, and I don't even think she really knew me.
"Yeah, and I don't care who knows," Jacob told the girl.
"You guys are so cute!" The girl shouted.
"Thanks," Jacob said as he stood up, "Hey everyone! Me and Sierra are dating!"
"Oh Jacob, stop!" I said to him as I grabbed his arm and pulled him to the seat.
"Haha! Today is gonna be fun!" Jacob told me.
"Totally!" I exclaimed.

I thought it would be a great day. I was wrong.

     As I got off the bus and was walking towards the main doors of the school, Lauren ran up to me with a huge smile on her face.
"OMG I am so happy for you!" Lauren exclaimed as she hugged me.
"What are you talking about?" I asked with a confused look, even though I already knew what she was going to say.
"You and Jacob, duh!" She squealed.
"Oh, yeah." I said.
"So what even happened between you and Gabe?" She asked.
"Well, he didn't want me to talk to Jacob anymore, so I dumped him," I explained as we started walking through the doors.

I sat down in my seat in first period, and a few people were staring at me, and two girls giggled. I had the courage to ask them what they were laughing at.
"What are you laughing at?" I asked two girls sitting next to each other behind me.
"You are dating Jacob Sartorius!" One of them said while laughing.
"GAY!" The other girl exclaimed.
"Why is everyone so judgemental when they talk about Jacob? He's a person just like all of us." I explained to them.
"He is famous for no reason! He doesn't even do anything!" The first girl said to me.
"Well if he is famous for no reason, then why aren't you famous?" I asked her with a smirk on my face.
"Whatever!" She replied just before the bell rang.

In second period I heard people murmuring about me and Jacob. I thought Jacob had a lot of fangirls at my school, but I guess most girls hate him, like I used to.

     Third, fourth, and fifth period weren't that bad. A few people stared, and a few people laughed at me. I just ignored it. Right after the bell rang to get out of fifth period and go to lunch, I put my trapper and my computer in my locker, then walked to the cafeteria.

"Hey princess!" Jacob exclaimed as he ran up behind me in the lunch line and hugged me.
"Hi," I said in a kind-of sad tone.
"What's wrong Sierra?" Jacob asked, looking me in the eyes.
"All morning people have been laughing at me and making fun of me," I explained as a tear fell down my cheek.
"Why? You're perfect!" Jacob asked.
"They are making fun of me because I'm dating you!" I said trying not to ball my eyes out.
"Don't listen to them! They are just jealous," Jacob replied putting his hands on my shoulders.

     We got our lunch, which was taco salad, and sat down at our table. We started eating, and I noticed that Lauren didn't come to my table to sit with us. Instead, she was with Gabe, and the two of them sat with these really prissy girls. And two of them were the two girls that made fun of me in first period.

Lauren is such a traitor.

     After about 5 minutes of sitting down at lunch, these two boys walked by our table and one of them said to Jacob, "Jacob? I thought you were gay!" And the other one said "He is! Sierra is just his cover up!"
Jacob stood up, and looked right at them. Both boys stopped in their tracks and one of them said "What are you gonna do? Punch me?!"
Jacob said, "If you say so," and then Jacob grabbed the guy's food tray, threw it on our lunch table, and tackled him.

"Jacob! Stop!" I exclaimed as Jacob punched the kid.
The principle walked over to Jacob and grabbed him from the back of his shirt.
Jacob stood up towards the principle with his head facing the floor. The guy Jacob tacked was sitting on the floor looking up to the principle.
"You two boys can come with me," the principle said.
Jacob and the guy walked in front of the principle on there way to the office.

I Fell For You // Jacob Sartorius FanFic {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now