I'm Sorry

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"Welcome to Los Angeles, California! Hope you all have a wonderful stay!" The flight attendant said over the intercom as the plane landed.

After I got my suitcase in the airport I walked outside and got in a taxi. The man in the taxi drove me to the hotel I booked a room in. I got out, payed him, and walked inside.
Once I got in my room, I set my things down then went downtown into Hollywood for lunch. I ate at a deli and by the time I was done it was 1:30 PM. Three and a half hours until Jacob's show. While I was waiting for 5 PM to arrive I walked around just admiring the beauty of California.
     At 4:30 PM I drove to the venue. When I arrived I sat in the car and waiting until the doors opened and the fans rushed in the building. After everyone went inside I payed for a ticket, then walked in. I shoved through people so I could get pretty close to the stage to watch him perform. I got close but I didn't want to get too close because I didn't want him to see me. Not yet...
     When he was done performing he called for everyone that had a meet and greet ticket to get in line behind the stage. I didn't have a ticket for it, but I decided that I had to sneak through the security guards to get in line. I snuck past them without them noticing and waiting in line for a good hour.

"Have a nice day!" I heard Jacob say to the girl in front of me in line.
"Omg thanks you too!" The girl said as she walked away.
"Hey cutie! What's your na-" Jacob said to me before pausing, "Sierra?!"
"Jacob..." I mumbled as I walked closer to him.
"What are you doing here?" He asked looking down at me.
"I couldn't let you just walk away from me like that. I had to go after you!" I looked into his eyes.
"Yesterday I realized that the picture was fake and I'm sorry." He looked away.
"Why didn't you call or anything?" I asked.
"I was scared. I thought you were mad at me and I should have never left you like that!" He said as he hugged me.
"I would never be mad at you," I intertwined his hands in mine.
"Okay. I know I'm a pain in the butt sometimes but...." Jacob mumbled off.
"Oh yes I know!" I laughed.
"Aweeee!!" A bunch of fans in line said in unison.
"You guys are so sweet!" I turned around and smiled.
"Well I need to continue with this meet and greet. Do you want to wait backstage until I'm done?" Jacob asked me.
"Yeah sure," I told him, "see ya!"
"Bye!" He kissed my cheek before I walked away, "alright who's next?"

     Today has been a really good day. Through all of our ups and downs, I know that Jacob and I can get through anything. As long as we are together.


I Fell For You // Jacob Sartorius FanFic {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now