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"Recovering! Very quickly! The doctors didn't think he would get better but he is! It is a miracle! He does NOT have short term memory loss, but he did get stitches in his head for the cracked skull and he does have a bandage wrapped around his body since he broke two ribs," the nurse explained.
"I can't believe it! Thank you!" I wiped the tears from off my face.
"I couldn't believe it either..." my mom shook her head.
"When can him and I go home?" I asked the nurse.
"You can go home tomorrow but unfortunately Jacob can't go home until Saturday." she explained.
"But it's Wednesday!" I whined.
"It's only two days sweety," my mom smiled.
"Ugh. Fine," I mumbled.
"Well I need to get going... if you want any food, the cafeteria is always open!" The nurse exclaimed as she walked out the door.
"Hungry?" My mom asked.
"Ehh a little," I laughed.
"I'll get you a salad," she winked as she walked out the door.
"Today really has been a miracle," I smiled as I sat back and thought about the future.

Sorry this chapter is so short! The next one will be longer, I promise!

I Fell For You // Jacob Sartorius FanFic {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now