A 14 year old girl named Sierra lives in Reston, Virginia, and she has a 12 year old sister named Chloe. They both know who Jacob Sartorius is, and Sierra hates him while Chloe is obsessed with him. After he transfers schools and goes to their schoo...
Today is the day. The day that I marry Jacob. My one true love.
I woke up this morning at 7 AM, and I was exhausted. But also really exited and extremely nervous! I got up and headed downstairs to get breakfast because it is the most important meal of the day. And I'm always hungry. Well, when I walked down there I saw Chloe and our mom in the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and sat down on a stool by the island.
"Whatcha makin?" I asked. "French toast, bacon, and eggs," my mom said before pulling bacon out of the oven. "Yum!" I smiled. "Are you excited Sierra?" Chloe asked with a smirk on her face. "More than ever! I'm really nervous, too!" I exclaimed before walking over to the bacon. "Oh, you have nothing to worry about!" My mom chuckled. "Yeah, what could go wrong?" Chloe agreed. "What if I start walking down the isle and my heel breaks? Or what if my mind blanks and I forget my lines? Or what if I step on my dress and face plant into the cake?" I said. "You will be fine!" Chloe laughed. "Don't stress over it! Just eat your breakfast and get ready for the day!" My mom smiled. "You guys are right," I sighed as I took a bite out of a piece of bacon.
After breakfast, I got everything I needed to wear for the wedding, put it in my mom's car, then the three of us were off for the venue! I'm still a little nervous, but I can't wait to walk down the isle. Oh, I don't think I ever told you guys this, but then I was five my dad died in a horrible car crash, so my grandpa will be walking me down the isle. I honestly don't remember my dad much, but I know that I did love him. But I'm just glad that I have the best mom in the world! Once we got to the venue, we got my dress, heels, hair stuff (hairbrush, bobby pins, hairspray, etc.), and a ton of make up out of the car. Then we walked inside and started getting me ready. The wedding doesn't actually start until 12 PM, and it was only 9 AM when we got there, so there was plenty of time.
First, I put on my dress, then my mom did my hair into a really cute hairstyle. This is what it looked like:
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Once my hair was finished, my aunt started doing my make up since she is literately the best when it comes to make up! By the time all of that was done, it was 11:30 AM! Only half an hour until I walk down the isle.
Oh, and while all of that was happening, Jacob's parents were setting up all of the chairs and everything up outside where the wedding would actually be held.
Soon after I was ready, people started arriving and taking their seats outside. As the minutes ticked by, I got more nervous and anxious!
12:00 PM
It's time. It's time for me to walk down the isle and get married! Everyone was in their seats outside, and Jacob was standing by the pastor at the end of the walkway. His best man was Hunter Rowland. Remember him? Yeah, how could we forget? Well, they actually became best friends over time. Anyway, my bridesmaids were Chloe and Lauren. You remember Lauren, too, right? We don't talk too often, but she is still my best friend! Well, I found my grandpa by the doors to walk outside. We crossed our arms and headed out to the walkway. Everyone turned toward me and watched me walk all the way down to Jacob, who was actually tearing up. The closer I got to him, the more tears that ran down his face. I couldn't believe he was actually crying over me! Once I got to Jacob, my grandpa took his seat in the front row, and I walked over to Jacob. "You look so beautiful," he said, wiping his tears. "Thank you," I blushed, hugging him. "Okay, I'm done crying now," he smiled before taking my hands and putting them over his. "Alright, shall we get started?" The pastor smiled. "Yes," I paused, "we shall."
At first, the pastor talked about marriage and how everyone was brought there to see Jacob and I get married. Then came the vows (me and Jacob said the vows back and forth.) "On this day," Jacob started. "I give you my heart," I said. "My promise." "That I will walk with you." "Hand in hand." "Wherever our journey leads us." "Living, learning, loving." "And growing in love." "Together." "Forever."
After the vows, the pastor said a few more things, and I'm not gonna get into details because it was kind of boring haha. Then we put the rings on each other. After that came the time when the pastor said "I may pronounce you husband and wife. Jacob, you may kiss the bride." After we kissed, the pastor said "May I present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Rolf Jacob Sartorius."
Everyone clapped, then we all made our way inside to eat and dance on the dance floor. Again, I'm not going to get into great detail because it's a wedding.... it's pretty self explanatory.
After the wedding was completely over, it was 7:00 PM. Our honeymoon was in Hawaii for a full week, and the plane leaves to fly us there at 10:30 PM. But the airport is only 30 minutes away from our apartment, so we weren't in any rush. A limo drove us to Jacob's apartment, and when we got there we changed our clothes, packed our bags, and were out the door by 8:30 PM. We made it to the airport by 9 PM, and got some food at McDonald's. Then we went through all of the security, and made it to the waiting areas by 10 PM. When we changed our clothes at the apartment, I put on some black Nike shorts and a black Nike shirt with a white swoosh. Then I put on my white Nike shoes. Jacob threw on some nike shorts and a plain under armour shirt. And he wore his black Nike shoes.
10:30 PM
It was time to board the plane, and we were one of the the first people to get into the plane. We got first class, so we sat in the very back. I sat down by the window, and Jacob sat down next to me.
Can I just talk for a minute about how much my life has changed? If Jacob would have never switched schools, I probably wouldn't even know him in person. And I honestly can't imagine what my life would be like if I didn't know him. I couldn't imagine myself falling for someone other than him, or marrying someone else. He is the one for me. I just know it.
Anyway, after everyone boarded the plane, it started taking off for the runway. Just after the plane left the ground, Jacob grabbed my hand and said, "Here we go!" I smiled and looked out the window.
Yep. Here I go. Here I go on this crazy journey called life. With the love of my life.