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"Are you ready?" Jacob asked me as we boarded our plane to go back to Virginia.
"I am so ready!" I squealed.
"Alrighty!" Jacob exclaimed as we sat down in our seats.
"You know, we have a lot of ups and downs but they are just bumps in the road," I said grabbing his hand.
"And I hope this road never ends," he kissed my cheek.

• • •

"Finally home!" Jacob sighed as we entered our apartment.
"I am so tired," I yawned as I set my bags on the floor.
"Me too. That plane ride is too long!" Jacob admitted.
"The flight is only five hours... you've been on a plane for longer Jacob!" I laughed.
"Yeah but it's been a while, okay! I'm not used to it!" He smirked.
"You are such a goof!" I hugged him.
"So are you!" He ran his hands through my hair, "but you are my goof."
"Yes I am! Now I'm gonna go to bed," I started walking to our bedroom.
"Not so fast," Jacob said as he grabbed me hand and spun me around.
"Jacob I'm exhausted!" I whined.
"But..." Jacob frowned.
"You are something else," I said before passionately kissing his soft lips.
"That's better," he giggled.
"Okay I'm going to bed now!" I told him walking away again.
"I'll be there in a minute," he said before walking to he kitchen.

I woke up the next morning to see Jacob laying in bed facing me. He was still asleep, but just looking at him already made my day. I always feel like the luckiest girl in the world when I'm with him. We didn't get home until 1:30 AM last night, so I woke up a little late. It was 10:14 AM, and Jacob has a photoshoot at noon. I didn't want to wake him up but I knew I needed too.
He is the worst when it comes to getting out of bed! It takes forever to convince him to get up! So I got out of bed, walked to the end of it, and ripped the blankets off.
"What was that for?" Jacob moaned.
"It's a quarter after ten! You need to get up for your photoshoot!" I said grabbing his feet and trying to pull him off the bed.
"I have over an hour to get there!" Jacob whined, "and good luck with trying to pull me out of this bed!"
"Jacob! Get up! Now!" I jumped on the bed, shaking him.
"Fine, fine! I can never sleep in with you, can I?" He said getting out of bed.
"You did sleep in, and you would have slept in longer if it wasn't for me!" I crossed my arms and cocked my hip to the side.
"Mhm," he squinted his eyes at me as he walked to the kitchen for breakfast.
"You know I'm right," I said walking behind him.
"Sure," he said sarcastically.

This boy. He is something special.

I Fell For You // Jacob Sartorius FanFic {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now