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Christmas Day

I woke up this morning in my bed alone. Jacob was still gone. Honestly, I have no idea where he went. When he left last night he didn't take much with him. Most of his stuff was still here right in my face for me to see.
Well it's Christmas, and no one wants to cry on Christmas, so I told my self to suck it up because Jacob isn't worth the tears.
So I got up around 8:30 and I hopped in the shower, then got dressed. After I got dressed, I ate breakfast, dried my hair, then did my make up. When I was finished getting ready, I drove to my mom's house to spend Christmas Day. Before I got in the car, I made sure I got all of my presents for my family. Except Jacob's.
What I didn't tell you in the last chapter is that two days ago when Jacob was at the studio I went into town to a guitar store. Him and I went there a month ago and there was this expensive guitar that he really wanted. It was $2,500! But I got it for him two days ago. I can't return it, so I guess I'll just keep it at the apartment.
Anyway, I drove to my mom's house and got there around 10 AM.

"Sierra! I've missed you!" My mom exclaimed after I knocked on the front door and she opened it.
"I have too!" I smiled.
"Hey Sierra!" Chloe shouted from in the living room.
"Hi Chloe!" I shouted back.
"Where's Jacob?" My mom asked after I walked in.
"Honestly.... I don't know," I told her with my head facing the floor.
"What do you mean?" She said.
"We got in a fight yesterday and last night he left the apartment. He hasn't come back since," I explained with tears in my eyes.
"Oh honey, it'll be okay," she patted my shoulder, "don't cry."
"I'm not going to," I took a deep breath, "I just want to enjoy today with my family."
"Well then let's get to it!" Chloe said.
"Yeah, let's start with presents!" My mom said.
"Good idea," I agreed.

So as you just read, we opened gifts first. I got my mom a necklace with three real diamonds and I got a matching ring to go with it.
The gift I got for Chloe is clever in my opinion. So one day a few weeks ago, I was going through all my photos on my phone, and at the very top was a photo of Chloe and Brandon from like 4 years ago! It was the day her and I first met him and Hunter. I remember we saw them in their driveway and Chloe said "can I get a picture with you guys?" And then I took the pictures of her and Brandon, then her and Hunter. I know she doesn't have those pictures anymore because about a year after we met them, Chloe cracked her phone screen and had to get a completely new phone. And for some reason she couldn't get anything from her old phone to her new one - including pictures. But in my camera roll was just the picture of her and Brandon, and I thought it would be perfect if I put that photo in a cute frame since it was the first day they met.
When I gave it to her, she loved it! She said it was one of the best gifts she's gotten. My mom loved the necklace too, and the ring fit perfectly on her right ring finger.
Chloe got me a really nice, black sweater and blue jeans and my mom got me a pair of black Ugg boots. Since we are all older now, we don't really get much for Christmas, but it's okay because I liked what I got.

After gift-opening was lunch time. There was turkey and a bunch of vegetables. Since it was just us three, we got a small turkey and there wasn't too much other food.
When we were finished eating, we went into the living room and started to watch my favorite Christmas movie: Elf. It is like the best movie ever! Anyway, about halfway through the movie, there was a knock on our front door. Since I was closest to the door, I opened it to see someone I would have never guessed.
"Hey Sierra," Jacob said.
"What are you doing here?" I asked, "and how did you know I was here?"
"Well I went back to the apartment but you weren't there, and since it's Christmas I figured you would be here instead. And I am here because I need to explain to you what happened. I will tell you the truth and nothing but the truth," he explained.
"Fine, come in," I told him.
"Thank you," he said, stepping inside.
"Well hello Jacob!" My mom said from in the living room, "this is a surprise!"
"It sure is," I mumbled.
"Can Sierra and I talk alone for a minute?" Jacob asked.
"Sure, Sierra's room is now a guest bedroom but go right ahead!" My mom told us.
"Alright," he smiled.
"Okay," I said.
"Let's go," Jacob whispered.

Jacob and I walked up to my old room. I entered first, and once Jacob entered he shut the door behind him. Then we both sat down at the end of the bed.
"Sierra....," Jacob paused, "I can't even describe how bad I feel right now. I don't know how I am going to explain everything."
"Well you better try to explain because it's gonna take a lot of it for me to believe you and forgive you," I said.
"Okay. Let me just start from the beginning. So after I went to the studio, I went to Starbucks and I saw Katherine there. Me and her were friends in high school but I know you didn't know her because you guys weren't in any classes together and you never talked or anything. But I saw her there and she told me that she was having a 'hangout' at her place so I just said "why not". So I followed her in my car to her place, and this was around 6 PM at this point, but anyway, when I went there it turned out to be a full out party! There was alcohol all over the house and I just got peer pressured to drink. It started with one drink, but then I started talking to some guys, and then it turned into 4 or 5 drinks. At around 9:30 I was drunk and I decided to drive home. Big mistake, I know. But I drove home safe and I know I really disappointed you. I am truly sorry. But whatever I said when I was drunk was completely made up. I promise," Jacob explained.
"Wow, that's a lot Jacob. I believe you, but I'm going to have to build my trust in you again," I replied.
"I know I let you down. But I would never cheat on you. I love you with all of my heart! This sounds cheesy, but I seriously don't love anyone more than I love you. We all make mistakes, and I'm not trying to avoid admitting what I did, but I am so sorry," he said as a tear fell down his face.
"I forgive you. I know we all make mistakes, but it's all just a part of living. And I love you too," I hugged him.
"I'm so sorry and I can't say that enough," he started crying.
"Awe Jacob don't cry," I rested his head on my chest.
"I always screw everything up," he sniffles.
"No you don't, you are fine," I said, "now let's go downstairs and enjoy Christmas, okay?"
"Alright," he wiped his tears.

     We walked downstairs and told Chloe and my mom that we were good now. Then, we finished the movie Elf and watched another Christmas movie.

     Today turned out to be a good day.

I Fell For You // Jacob Sartorius FanFic {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now