What Have I Done?

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Jacob is the boy of my dreams. He is the boy I really want. Kissing Hunter was a huge mistake! I have to tell him though. Just minutes after I texted Jacob "I love you" he answered.
"I love you too..."
"I need to tell you something."
"What is it Sierra?"
"I kissed Hunter"
"I don't know. we went to a movie and once we got back to my house we kissed"
"Did he kiss you or did you kiss him"
"Well we both leaned in for the kiss..."
"What did you do?"
"Right when I kissed him I pulled away because I knew it wasn't right. I knew that it was a mistake and I didn't want to hide it from you"
"Sierra... if you like Hunter then just be with him. I don't think our relationship will work out..."
"Jacob I'm sorry"
"Don't be sorry it's not your fault that you have feelings for someone else. I'm okay with that. Let's just take a break until you figure out who you want"
"I know who I want! I want you! You are the boy of my dreams"
     He didn't answer me.
     What have I done?
     I set my phone back on my nightstand and eventually fell asleep with a tear on my pillow.

"GOOOOD MOOORNING!!!" Chloe shouted as she swung my bedroom door open and jumped on my bed.
"Chloe it's..." I looked at my alarm clock, "8:16 AM! What are you doing?"
"Brandon just texted me and asked me out!!!!" She exclaimed, "and obviously I said yes!"
"Oh that's cool," I mumbled.
"What's wrong?" She asked me.
"Well last night when Hunter took me home we were on the front porch and we kissed...."
"Omg does Jacob know?!"
"Yeah I texted him and told him. Now he thinks that I like Hunter and not him and he thinks we need to take a break."
"Well do you?"
"Do I what?"
"Do you like Hunter?"
"Of course not!"
"Then why did you kiss him"
"I- I don't know but now I feel bad and I think Jacob wants me to date Hunter cause he thinks I like him."
"That sucks."
"Yeah tell me about it."
"Please just be honest: on a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you like Hunter? Let's say 1 is you don't like him one bit and 10 is you like him just as much as you like Jacob."
"Okay... I guess I will go with 5."
"So that's like 'you like him but you don't want to date him?'"
"I guess you could say that."
"Well tell Jacob that."
"That will just make things worse Chloe!"
"Well lying to him and him finding out the truth is worse than just being honest with him."
"That's a good point, I guess."
"Well I'm going to Brandon's house but you probably don't want to go with me do you?"
"Actually, yeah I will go. I need to tell Hunter how I feel about him."
"Alright let's get ready and go."

     Well here goes nothing.

I Fell For You // Jacob Sartorius FanFic {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now