His Instagram

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I sit in the back of the bus, while Chloe sits in the middle of the bus, so we don't talk until we get home.
The bus stopped at my house, and Chloe and I got off and walked towards the front door. Right as we got off the bus....
"Sierra! Guess what?!" Chloe asked.
"Let me guess 'Jacob Sartorius goes to our school now! Can you believe it?!'" I answered sarcastically, "I don't care!"
"Well, gosh Sierra, I didn't know you knew," Chloe said.
"Well, I do and I have like four classes with him," I replied.
We got to the front door, and Chloe opened it.
"How was school girls?" My mom asked us from the kitchen.
"Good, I guess," I said.
"It was awesome!" Chloe exclaimed, "Jacob Sartorius goes to our school now!"
"That kid you obsess over?" My mom asked.
"Yeah," I answered, "Chloe, why are you so excited? You didn't even see him."
"I will eventually!" Chloe replied.
"Whatever," I said as I walked upstairs to my room.
     When I got to my room, I watched YouTube videos for about an hour, ate dinner, and then did my homework. When I was done with homework, I got in the shower. After I got out, I put my pajamas on, sat at the end of my bed, and checked Instagram.
     Chloe has an Instagram account too, and she posted a picture of Jacob and the caption was "OMG JACOB I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU GO TO MY SCHOOL NOW. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!"
      She tagged him in the picture. Of course, she had to post that. How obsessive can she get?! I was tempted to click on Jacob's Instagram, so I did. I saw a bunch of pictures of him, and his bio said "I make tunes for your ears and I love chocolate milk." That's original. I clicked on the latest picture he posted, and I liked it out of habit. The caption for it was "I started a new school today and it went pretty well. I met a bunch of nice people, and I met one really pretty girl the minute I walked into my first class."
     Who was that caption about. The first girl he probably saw was....
     No way. Doubt it.
     I put my phone on my dresser, then turned on my TV. About an hour later, I fell asleep.

I Fell For You // Jacob Sartorius FanFic {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now