Almost Time

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"This... dress... is... perfect!" I exclaimed before looking in the mirror of the wedding dress shop.
"It is really pretty!" Chloe agreed, "Try it on!"
"Going!" I shouted before running to the changing room.

     It's April 11 and Chloe, our mom, and I are shopping for a wedding dress for me. We have been rummaging through the store for two hours, but no dress seems to catch my eye. Until I looked in the very back of the store and find it. The perfect dress! In my size, too!
     I sprinted to the changing room to try it on....

     It fit just right! I slowly walked out of the dressing room to the mirror again. Mom and Chloe were dumbfounded.

"It looks beautiful on you!" My mom exclaimed.
"Thank you!" I said before twirling around with a huge smile on my face.
"You have to get it!" Chloe smirked.
"Mhm," I hummed.

     $950. That was the price. But it was amazing, and my mom gladly paid for it.

This is what it looks like:

    Isn't it just beautiful?!

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    Isn't it just beautiful?!

                         •  •  •

     Two days.
     Two days until the wedding.
     It's Thursday, June 23, 2022.
     And I am more nervous than ever before. And it's not even the wedding day yet!

Well today Chloe, our mom, and I went to the venue where the wedding would be held. We pretty much just looked around and thought of where everything would go like the food, tables for people to sit and eat, the dance floor, the DJ area, and everything else!

The actual wedding would be held outside behind the venue, which is actually right in front of a golf course, but we rented the golf course out for the day so no one would golf during the wedding.
So the wedding would pretty much be like any other wedding, which I didn't mind because, to me, it's just a wedding. It's just a day. So why should I stress or fret over it?
I just think that some people over think and overdue their weddings. Like, yeah, you are getting married, but it's not like your becoming the president. Not a ginormous deal!

After walking around the venue and outside, they drove me back to the apartment, and then they went home. As soon as I walked through the door, Jacob ran up to me and kissed me.

"What was that?" I asked after the kiss.
"I don't know, I just haven't seen you all day...," Jacob paused, "and I couldn't help myself."
"Well thank you!" I smirked.
"Anytime," he giggled.
"I'm exhausted," I yawned.
"Same here," he agreed, "let's hit the hay!"
"Agreed!" I said before walking to the bedroom with him by my side.

     It's the next day at around 1:00 PM, and Jacob and I went to the venue again to meet up with his family and mine. All of us were going to set everything up together, and we were going to bring all the food once everything was ready.
     Jacob and his dad started bringing the tables to the dining area, and Chloe and I started covering them with tablecloths. Jacob's mom and my mom starting setting up all of the stuff for the DJ like the stereo, the speakers, etc.

     After all of that was done, which took a good hour, we all drove to my mom's house and Jacob's parent's house to get all of the food. There was the cake, all the drinks, and pretty much any food you could think of. We had to take two trips just to get it all to the venue.

     We got done around 4:30 PM, and then we all went out to dinner together at Olive Garden. Yeah, it was a little early, but there was nothing else to do.
     Since it's bad luck to see the bride on the day of the wedding before the ceremony, I was going to spend the night at my mom's house, and Jacob would go back to the apartment. So after dinner, his parents went back to their house, Chloe and my mom went to their house, and Jacob took me to the apartment so I could pack a bag for spending the night there. Then he drove me to my mom's house.

     All night I couldn't stop thinking about the wedding! I could barely sleep! At most, I got like 6 hours of sleep. But it's a big day for me. And I most definitely cannot screw it up!

I Fell For You // Jacob Sartorius FanFic {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now