In The Rain

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     Yesterday I was at Jacob's house and we were watching TV after I hurt my leg while attempting to ride a penny board. After a little while of watching a movie, Jacob turned down the volume and faced me. He told me that he liked me and that he had feelings for me and whole bunch of other stuff that I was NOT ready for. I told him that I just needed some time to think about everything since I had just broken up with Gabe that same day.

     After I told Jacob that I needed time to think, he got mad at himself for expressing his feelings for me and stomped into the kitchen. I followed him into the kitchen and told him that it was going to be okay and that I was glad he told me what was on his mind. He understood and gave me a tight hug. Man, he has the best hugs. Anyway, after the hug I told him that it would be best if I went home and thought about everything. He agreed and walked me home.

Later That Evening

     At around 7 PM I was laying in my bed and scrolling through Instagram. I saw that Jacob had just posted this picture:

     The caption for the picture was "A smile doesn't always show how someone really feels

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     The caption for the picture was "A smile doesn't always show how someone really feels. I miss her. She means so much to me. But yet so much has changed. Please don't worry about me. I'm fine."

     I know that caption was about me, and I feel terrible. I texted him.

"Hey..." I texted.
A few minutes later he replied with: "You saw my Instagram post didn't you"
"Yeah I did" I answered.
"I want you. No, I don't want you, I need you. We may only be 14 years old, and people say that we are too young to know what love is, but I love you. I know I do and each time I look at you I love you even more. But if you don't feel the same way, I will get over it. I will move on."

Wow. That was a lot.
I texted him back.
"Jacob I love you too."
"I'm sorry Sierra. Goodbye."
"Why are you sorry? You didn't do anything!"
10 minutes later and no answer.
"Jacob please answer me!"
20 minutes past and still no answer.
I tried calling him 3 times but nothing.

     So you know what I did? I walked over to his house.
In the cold.
And in the pouring rain.

     I shivered as I knocked on his front door, and Jacob's mom opened it.
"Sierra! What are you doing out in the rain? Come in!"
"No, I'll stay out here, but thank you. Can I just talk to Jacob?" I said as raindrops were dripping from the ends of my hair.
"Sure, I'll got get him."
I stood by the front door for about 2 minutes until Jacob finally came outside.
"Sierra it's pouring outside. Why are you even here? You are soaked!"
"You wouldn't answer my texts or calls!" I said, my whole body now completely wet.
"I didn't know what to say. I-"
"Jacob! I love you! Even when I was with Gabe I always had you on my mind and if you don't believe me, you don't have to but that's the truth. You let out all of your emotions earlier, so I'm letting mine out now. Jacob you mean so much to me, and I need to be with you. Just like you said that you need to be with me." I said with drops of rain falling down my face.
"I love you too." Jacob said, now soaked as well.
I gave him a tight hug. We hugged for a long time and I just closed my eyes and picture me and him.
"Are we a thing now?" Jacob whispered in my ear, still hugging me.
I smiled and said "Of course we are."
"Good," Jacob said.
"I need to go home now because my mom doesn't even know I left the house." I told Jacob as I stepped back from the hug.
"Okay, so I'll see you tomorrow at school!" Jacob said.
"Bye!" I said running through puddles along the sidewalk.

     The whole time I was running home I was thinking to myself, "The world is billions of years old, but I am lucky enough to live in the same time period as him."


I can't even describe how much I love that silly boy.

I Fell For You // Jacob Sartorius FanFic {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now