The Truth Be Told

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     20 Minutes Later

     After Jacob and I met outside I helped him put his things from tour back in his house including his clothes and guitar. Then we went to his room to watch TV. The rest of the night we cuddled in his bed and eventually fell asleep. Yeah, yeah I stayed the night with Jacob but my mom knows that we won't do anything so she didn't mind.
     I woke up the following morning next to the only person I ever wanted to wake up to. As I sat up and rubbed my eyes I heard his morning, raspy voice.
"Good morning sunshine," Jacob said, "I've been waiting for you to wake up."
"I'm sorry," I answered as I stood up.
"Don't be it's only been a few minutes," he smiled at me, "where you going?"
"I'm hungry and I want breakfast," I giggled.
"A girl wants what a girl wants," he said as he walked towards me.

     We walked downstairs and got out cereal and milk. As Jacob poured his milk into the bowl with the cereal I laughed at him.
"What are you laughing at?" He asked me while smiling.
"Your hair!" I laughed as I walked over to him.
"Hey it's my morning hairdo! You like?" He asked.
"Oh I love it!" I said sarcastically as I ran my fingers through it, "it might look bad in the morning but it sure is soft!"
"My hair is always soft especially after the shower," he explained.
"Okay TMI I didn't need to know that!" I chirped as I sat down at the table and started eating.
"Hahah," Jacob laughed, walking over to the table to sit next to me.

     After eating we walked back up to Jacob's room and turned on the TV again. We sat on his bed on our phones and he posted a picture of us on his Instagram. I clicked on it right as he pressed post and it already had 10,000 likes. Geez he has a lot of fans just waiting for him to post something! I clicked on a few of his fan accounts and I found one with a video of Jacob and a girl...
In the video Jacob was in a hallway of what looked like a hotel with the girl. Jacob and the girl were talking and then she grabbed his hands and they kissed! Who was this girl? She looked familiar...
I know who it is! It's Luna Blaise: the girl from the "Sweatshirt" music video! After they kissed Jacob walked away from her and walked the opposite direction.

"Jacob what is this?" I asked him as I turned my phone toward him.
"Where did you find that?" He asked with his jaw open.
"A fan account for you," I said, "now why did you kiss her?"
"I- I can explain!" He told me.
"Okay then explain it!" I said with a tear in my eye.
"Luna tries to get with everybody! Me, Mark, Zach, Blake, all of my guy friends! And she went to three of my shows in California with me and we stayed in the same hotel. But in different rooms! She wanted to meet me in the hallway at like 11 at night and I didn't know why. I went out there and she told me that she liked me. She grabbed my hands and kissed me! I knew it wasn't right so I walked away. I don't know who took the video cause I didn't see anyone! I am so sorry. You told me that you kissed Hunter but I didn't tell you that I kissed Luna but I should have. I feel so bad! You probably won't forgive me though."
"Well the truth be told Jacob," I said in shock.
"I'm so sorry," he said as a tear fell down his cheek.
"It's okay I forgive you. We both made a mistake," I smiled.
"Okay good," he said.
"I love you," I said as I set my head on his shoulder.
"I love you more," he replied as he grabbed my hand with his.
"You are such a liar!" I laughed.
"Nope," he said as he kissed my cheek.

I love this boy. More than I can explain.

I Fell For You // Jacob Sartorius FanFic {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now