Part One

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Erin had been in this unit for a short while now and she was spending everyday of her life with the man who had been like her dad since she was 16. She still wanted a partner who wasn't Hank Voight, she just wanted a partner who she could talk to and joke about with but she was still waiting for that day to come. 

She walked up into the bullpen and slouched down in her chair waiting for the cases to start piling in, she seemed to be the first one there until she saw hank walking up the the stairs, she tried to avoid eye contact with him until she saw a brown hair and blue eyes gorgeous man walking next to him which made her do a double take. She quickly rose from her chair, still trying to keep her dignity and not look to desperate but she rolled her eyes as Hank approached her.

" The day has come Erin, meet your new partner, Jay Halstead!" Hank told her

"Thanks hank, its about time" Erin said still trying to remain cool.

Before Erin and Jay can properly introduce themselves Hank rushed straight back out of his office, his shout echoed throughout the bullpen

" we've got a major case, 20 minutes away, LET'S GO!!"

Everyone quickly rose from their chairs and they raced to their cars which were out the back. As the cars pulled away, each member or intelligence were with their partners, Hank and Antonio, Ruzek and Al and the newest partners Erin and Jay.

Their car journey to the scene was mostly silent and Erin looked out of the corner of her eyes to see jay who was trying to prepare himself for his first case in intelligence.

" I'm not trying to pry but you, Jay Halstead seem to be a little bit nervous?" Erin questioned with a little smile

Jay quickly replied, " you don't even no me yet Erin Lindsey, trust me you will know when I'm nervous" a smile rose from jays mouth as he finished his sentence.

As they reached the scene, jay saw a women covered in blood and screaming in horror, he was out of the car before it had even stopped and he was running towards her.

" ma'am what happened?" jay pleaded

" the guy, he had a gun and he was holding onto a kid who was crying and looked like he had ex... explosives strapped to him. I tried to grab the kid but the man hit me with his gun... please, the kid was so scared, he was only young!" the woman cried into jays arms as she held onto to her bleeding.

Ambulance 61 pulled up and Sylvie Brett and Gabby Dawson ( sister of Antonio) stepped out and they walked towards the woman who had only just released her hands from Jays shirt and they guided her back to the ambulance. Jay always cared for victims and now he knew she was safe, he turned and walked towards the group and shouted at Hank,

"The guy took a kid, the woman said he put explosives on him... we need to clear the bloc..."

It was already too late, the bomb went off and the building collapsed into millions of pieces. Leaving the lives of the team unknown.

I  hope everyone has enjoyed the first part of my fan fiction, i know it starts off a bit slow but there are going to be some time jumps throughout. xx

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