Part Twenty

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As the team rolls up to the building, Hank radios the team, "Okay Al, Ruzek and Dawson go round the back, me and Erin are going in through the front"

"Got it sarge!" he got from the team.

"1...2...3... go go go!" Hank shouted as they breached the building.

Hank and Erin were clearing rooms together until bullets started flying at them and they got separated but Erin decided to carry on looking for Jay, It wasn't until she came across the last room to find out it was locked, "Guys i'm in the basement and this is the only door that's locked"

"We're coming down to you Lindsey" Dawson radioed

Even though Erin knew she had to wait for the team she couldn't so she shot the door handle off, as she walked into to room she saw Jay lying there on the floor looking dead but she thought the room was empty until she feels a smack to the face and she falls the the floor.

She sees him pull out his gun to shoot her  but she wasn't quick enough and she pulls her gun up and shoots him between the eyes. Erin could feel the blood pouring out of her nose but she wasn't bothered, she just wanted to get to Jay. As she ran over to him he was unconscious but he was alive,

"JAY!" she shouted shaking his body

"Dispatch, I need an ambo rolled to our location, get me Ambo 61 now" Erin said as Jay started to wake up.

"Er...?" He said weakly

"Jay you're safe now, okay everyone is here, we're gonna help you"

"It hurts so bad, i want to let go Erin I love you so much" Erin didn't want to lose him so she put all of her pressure on Jays chest as he was losing too much blood, he flinched because he was scared and then he let out a massive groan but she had to save him,

"Stay with me Jay, Come on!" she cried as the team ran in, "Where's that Ambo Hank?"

"There just pulling up now" Hank watched Erin wipe her face leaving a trail of blood across it so he walked over to help her but she stopped him,

"No nobody touch him, he's... fine just scared just don't touch him" Erin pleaded.

The team watched as Gabby and Sylvie walked in to work on Jay but Erin still wouldn't move so Hank put his arms under her and pulled her away much to her disliking,

"Let me go Hank, he needs me!"she screamed

"Erin you're in shock, let Gabby and Sylvie work" Hank said pulling her out of the room.

Erin was still shouting until her and Hank got out on the street. She couldn't deal with the fact that the man she loves was dying and all she wanted to do was help him. Erin didn't know if Jay was going to come out of this or if she wouldn't be let on her own to raise their daughter.

(Jay's POV)

I was awake barely but i could hear Erin screaming, i wasn't even sure if it was real but then I looked up to see Gabby and Sylvie lifting me up onto a stretcher. Did they really find me, are they saving me or was it just another dream.

(Erin's POV)

I stood staring at my hands which were covered in Jay's blood until i saw him being rolled towards the ambulance so i ran towards him and jumped in the back of the ambulance without asking, "I'm not leaving him again!" I said. Sylvie didn't argue she just shut the doors.

I was holding his hand when the monitor starter beeping out of control, "Gabby what's happening?"

"He's crashing I need to start CPR" Gabby said to me as I had to sit back and watch Jay die.

At Chicago Med

The ambulance rolled up and everyone was already waiting, "Ok take him to Baghdad!" Maggie shouted

"It's Okay Jay we're gonna take care of you" April said to him but as soon as everyone started to touch him, him freaked out and tried to fight back so Erin ran over, "WAIT, just everyone stand back!"

Everyone back off as Erin walked over and lent over him, "Jay, it's Erin"

"Erin what's going on?"

"You're at med, everyone is going to help you and make you better but you have to let them help you otherwise you're going to die!" She said to him

"Ok just don't leave me! please" Jay pleaded to Erin

"I have to give the doctors space to work so i'm gonna be right outside them doors, I love you Jay"

"I love... you..."

"Jay, JAY!" Erin tried to wake him up again but she was pushed out of the room.

"We got him Erin" Maggie said to her.

Erin spent the next few hours sat in the waiting room waiting for the doctor to tell her what was going on with Jay but no one would tell her what was going on. Erin went to find out what was going on when she saw Will and Mouse running down the corridor, "Is he alive?" will asked

"Yeah but they won't tell us anything, it's been hours" Erin said to him

Will was going to find out what was going on as Dr Rhodes walked towards them, "guys okay, so Jay in in ICU and not in a good way"

"What are his injuries?" Erin asked him

"Erm the worst injury was to his chest, the knife slashes caused him to lose almost all of his blood so we had to stitch him up in surgery. His right leg is broken and so is his left wrist. His nose was broken and his Jaw was fractured, he also had a small brain bleed which we repaired in surgery. He's touch and go at the minute so he is going to be observed closely.

"Will he make it through the night?" Mouse asked

"We are not sure and that's why he's being closely monitored, we are hoping he will make a full recovery physically but we're not sure about mentally"

"DAMMIT!" Will shouted, " we should have found him sooner!"

"Calm down Will he's safe now" Mouse said to him.

Will was getting more angry at this point, "WELL maybe if you didn't take off Mouse we could have found him sooner but no you decided to go AWOL for the day"


Mouse went to say something else, "We saved him not you!" He said pointing at the team. Those words circled around Will's mind when things suddenly escalated, Mouse saw out of the corner of his eye Will's fist coming towards him so he used his training skills and quickly dodged out of the way but the thing that happened next left everyone shocked.

As Mouse dodged out of the way, Will's fist plummeted into Erin's face causing her to fly into the wall and fall to the floor because of the force of it. Within seconds Hank had Will pushed up against the wall and Mouse was on the floor with Erin,

"Erin can you hear me?" He said as she was looking dazed
"Yeah Mouse im fine just a little dizzy" Erin said she was ok but everyone could see the blood running from her nose and the bruise already appearing on her face.

Mouse pulled Erin off the floor when she saw Hank with Will,

"Hank let him go!" Erin shouted 

"Why should I, have you seen what he did to you!"

"It was an accident, we aren't here to fight, we are here for Jay"

Hank pushed Will further up the wall, "If you ever lay a hand on Erin again you won't be getting off this easy!" Hank threatened before putting him down. 

"I'm sorry Erin" was all Will said before walking away.

Erin went to sit in the chair when she goes dizzy and starts to fall back before Mouse catches her,"I'm fine Mouse!"

"Erin you're concussed you need to get cleaned up and checked out" he said before walking Erin towards Dr Rhodes who was up the hall and saw what just happened.

Jay's disappearance had caused the team to fall apart and it was only the beginning. 

I know this part took me longer to write but I hope you enjoyed. xx

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