Part Twelve

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(Nobody's POV)

Erin woke up and hear muffled noises all around her and then she realized she had a dead weight on her, "Jay wake up... Wake up!" she shouted as she was shaking him.

"Please someone, help me!" Erin shouted to the side of her.

Hank and Antonio rushed over and carefully moved Jay next to Erin and they laid him beside her as she took his hand. She went to stand up as Hank pushed her body back down, "Erin stay still you took a pretty hard hit to the floor", she turned her head to look at Jay and she carefully tapped his face and said his name over and over again but he wasn't waking up. Erin began to feel around to see if she was injured when she felt a warm liquid on her clothes,

"Hank... Hank!" Erin shouted

He came rushing over, "Yeah what wrong, is it the baby?"

"look at me, am i bleeding did i get hurt or something?" She couldn't tell because she was in shock.

Hank checked under Erin's shirt but there wasn't anything there, "Erin that isn't your blood"

She quickly turned her head to Jay and she began to cry, "He was shot, he's gonna die, My baby is going to be fatherless all because he was protecting me. Hank you have to help him!" she pleaded

"Erin were gonna help him just stay still, Antonio grab some thing to stop the bleeding" Hank shouted turning around looking at him.

Jay was slipping away and everyone knew it. The paramedics rushed in and ran with Jay to the ambulance and Hank helped Erin stand up,

"I need to get to the hospital to be with Jay" Erin started to walk off when she felt faint and began to fall to the floor when Antonio grabbed her.

"I think you should sit down for a minute Erin, the rest of the team are on their way to the hospital. I promise you her won't be on his own." Antonio ordered.

"Antonio I'm fine, I just hit the floor hard when Jay pushed me out the way, I'm going to the hospital to get checked out anyway"

Erin picked her keys up and started to walk off when Antonio grabbed her keys, "I'm driving then.

(Antonio's POV)

Me and Erin are driving to the hospital and i know she is worried about Jay. I'm driving as fast as i can as we haven't heard anyone from the team yet on how Jay is doing. We pull up to the hospital and Erin was out of the car and through the doors before i had stopped the car. We are walking through the hospital and Erin grabs my hand, "He's going to be ok!" i said to calm her down. Walking into the waiting room took my breath away, the whole room was full of PD and Fire, his whole Chicago family was here.

We sit down in the chairs and get an update from the doctor about Jay, "He took a bullet in side which went through his Kidney, He's stable for now but she's still asleep from surgery" 

"Can we see him?" Erin asked

"I'm sorry not yet, maybe in a few hours" The doctor advised

Erin sits back down in the chair and i see her wince, "I thought you were going to get checked out?"

"I'm fine Antonio!" Erin says to me looking even more uncomfortable so i grab her hand and pull her to her feet, "Ok you're coming with me!"

"Where to?" she asked, "Peds ward, to get checked out"

"I'm fine!" she demanded

"I'm not taking no for an answer Erin, Jay is ok now its your turn to look after yourself."

(Nobody's POV)

Erin walks into the room and lays down on the bed, "What can i do for you Erin?" the doctor says walking in.

There was an incident at work, someone shot through the windows and jay got shot while pushing me out the way and when he pushed me i hit the floor really hard, he saved me" Erin said getting upset,

"Okay well lets check on the baby shall we?" Erin nodded as she lifted her shirt and the doctor began the scan.

"so the baby is looking nice and healthy and ok, you'll most likely just have some minor bruising. Your 12 weeks so would you like to find out the gender?"

Erin had a sign of relief, "I want to know but i feel bad about Jay not being here, maybe I'll surprise him when he's out of the hospital... erm yes okay i want to know"

"It look like you are having a... Girl!" the doctor exclaimed 

Erin put her hand over her mouth as she couldn't contain her excitement, "oh my god, A GIRL!"

Erin was on her way back to Jay's room to tell him the news but when she walked in, the room was empty. She immediately began to cry thinking he was dead and that was when she hit the wall with her back and slid down it. 

She didn't know how long she was sat there for but after a while Will came walking in and he turned on the light to see Erin cured up in the corner crying, "Erin, what' s wrong?" he shouted running over to her,

"He's dead isn't he?" she cried.

Will could see how much stress she was in so he sat on the floor and pulled her into his chest, "He's not dead but he collapsed and they had to rush him into surgery. He needs a kidney transplant but there isn't anyone available so they are going to have to put him into a coma till ones becomes available."

"But that could take months, I didn't get a chance to tell him!" She sobbed

"I'm sorry Erin tell him what?"

she took a deep breath, "It's a girl, I'm having a girl and he could die without knowing.

"Erin listen to me, we are going to search for a match and get him a kidney before your child is born, okay" he promised

"We have to try our best Will, i can't live with out him they both sat in silence while Erin cried into Will's arms. 

I'm finishing this bit here as the next part is going to start with a time jump, sorry its short, hope everyone enjoyed. xx

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