Part Twenty-six

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It had been about ten minutes since the stand off outside and Erin was in more pain every single minute.

"Please let me go, my babies could die and then me. Do you really want to go down for the murder of three people, huh?" Erin said

"Shut up, we will let you go when we get out of this!" He said as he tightened his arm around Erin's neck.

They took a step closer away from the district and Jay couldn't stand what was happening, "Let her go!" he shouted

"uh no Detective Halstead, we made a deal... You for her. You said twenty minutes and I think your time is up"

"okay okay I'm coming" Jay said walking forward but not before Hank grabbed his arm, "Let me do this, I would much rather die than letting her die. Just find me for Erin's sake"

Hank let Erin go and he ran towards Erin and caught her as she was dropped by the guy who was holding her, "Are you ok babe?"

"Yeah but I'm bleeding. I think something is wrong. Please don't leave me!" Erin cried

"You need to get to a hospital. I promise you I will never leave you but you and our children have to be safe"

The paramedics quickly came over and put Erin on the gurney but as they walked away Jay was grabbed and a gun was put to his head, "Jay, Jay no... no...NO!" Erin screamed as she was pulled back by the paramedics.

The last thing Erin saw while she was put in the back of the ambulance was Jay being dragged away by the five guys.

Jay's POV

I was thrown into the back of a van and the guys quickly sped off throwing me around. I knew Erin was safe and that was all i cared about. After what felt like a really long drive, the van finally came to a stop. I was dragged out of the van and I hit the concrete ground causing me to yell out in pain as I hit my arm.

"Get off!" I said as my shirt was grabbed and I started being dragged into a building from behind. 

We got inside and my arm was chained to a wall, "What do you want?"

"We want payback, you shot my brother, killed him"

"He tried to kill us and we had a job to do!"

After Jay tried to explain and fight back, he was beaten until he was no longer conscious.

Nobody's POV

As Erin was loaded off the ambulance and rushed into med, she went into labor.

"Maggie, Maggie I was bleeding at the district I can't lose my babies!" Erin cried

"Erin don't you worry you and both of your babies are gonna be fine, Hank's on his way"

Erin was put in her room and it was almost time to push, Maggie was walking down the hall was she saw Hank running in, "How is she?"

"She's under a lot of stress and so are the babies, what the hell happened and where is Jay?"

"the district got taken over and Erin was inside, they beat her and she got slammed into the window. Jay was outside but he made a trade, himself for Erin."

"Ok you need to be there for her, we can't have her under anymore stress, she in room 206"

Hank ran and joined Erin and he helped her through her contractions, "We gotta get him back Hank"

"We will Erin but this is about you now ok, the rest of the team are on it"

Erin grabbed the side of the bed, "I think it's time to push Hank, go get Maggie"

Erin sat up in her bed when Maggie and other doctors came running in, "Wait, wait get Will I want him here for this"

"He's on his way but we have to do this now Erin, so on the count of three, 1...2...3... push"

Erin was pushing when Will came running in and ran to her side grabbing her hand, but the more Erin pushed the more tired she got and nothing was happening, "Erin, Erin stop pushing"

"Why was wrong... Maggie!" Erin panicked 

"The babies are in distress, we have to do an emergency C-section"

"NO WAIT IS THAT SAFE" she cried

"Yeah but we have to do it right now, Will can come with you"

As Erin was rushed in to deliver her babies, Jay was just waking up from being beaten, "Look who's awake" he heard someone whisper

Jay opened his eyes to see at least two people in the room and one he knew really well, as the boss guy left the room he could finally talk to him...

"Mouse, what the hell man?"

"Well I had to make a living some how"

"Do you know what they did to Erin, they beat her and slammed her into a window. When I traded myself for her she was bleeding and being loaded into an ambo. I don't even know if they are alive."

"Man, i'm sorry but this is what I do now!"

"Mouse it's me Jay, help me" jay pleaded

"I'm sorry Jay" Mouse said as he walked out and closed the door leaving Jay in the dark.

It had been over an hour since Erin went into surgery and she was finally back in her room with Will and her two beautiful newborns, "How you guys doing?" Adam and Kim said as they walked round the corner.

"We're good but very tired, what's going on with Jay?"

"We are still looking but nothing so far, I'm sorry Er" Kim said to her.

Erin turned her head to face the window, "I'll call you guys later" she said bluntly.

"Erin please?" Adam said

"Just go do your jobs and find my husband" Erin said before they both left.

Erin sat with her daughter in her arms until her son started to cry, "Hey Will can you grab him please?"

Will sat with him when he asked Erin a question she really didn't know how to answer, "What are their names them?"

Erin started to cry, "We didn't talk about it, me and Jay. I can't name them until he's home"

"Are you sure?" 

"Yes of course I am, He's my husband and should be here for this" She snapped.

Jay's POV

I had been sat pulling the chain on the wall for hours until it finally came off the wall, I slowly stood to my feet and walked towards the door but that was when I heard foot steps and someone came bursting through the door, "Hey what are you doing?" but it was Mouse, "Man just let me go, I have to get to the hospital to Erin"

Mouse stood to the side and let me go but by the time I got to the end of the hall I was grabbed by two guys, "Grab the camera" I heard someone shout

As the camera was turned on, the boss man grabbed a knife and walked towards me, "stop... stop come on man, he... Mouse knows me"but as i finished talking he plunged the knife through my chest. I dropped to the ground and was bleeding every where until I couldn't breath anymore.

Nobody's POV

Jay's lifeless body was dragged away by Mouse and the card from the camera was put into an envelope and sent away in the mail however the team didn't know that they were now looking for a body.

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