Part Six

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(Two weeks later)

It was a few days since jay was released from the hospital when he went back to work on desk duty, He didn't want to be on desk duty but his ribs were still healing. No one from the team knew that Erin had spent over a week at Jay's apartment since he got out of the hospital but they had both clicked and got very close with each other.

Jay sat in his chair while the rest of the team walked into the bullpen and when he saw Erin he let out a little smile which only she saw. His smile broke away when Hank walked out of his office, " Ok i would like to announce that Halstead is of desk duty and out in the field, but we can celebrate later as we have a case to handle!"

"congrats man!" Jay was congratulated then the team quickly moved on to the case

Antonio began to explain the case "alright all we know so far is a 17 years old male was murdered last night and he was connected to a gang on the west side" 

" right i want Jay and Erin to go and inform the family and the rest of us will continue to dig through information about who this man was" Hank gave out his orders

" sure thing Hank, at least i have my partner back" Erin began to walk out of the room when Jay stood to his feet and let out a massive groan.

(Erin's POV)

I turn around to see Jay with his hand over his ribs, "Jay, are you ok?", the rest of the team are around me looking concerned

"Yeah i'm fine Er i just stood up to quickly, i'll have my breath back in a minute"

" Jay are you sure your ready to go back out there?" Dawson asked. " yeah i'm fine Tony" jay replied now having his breath back. The two then left the district

(Jay's POV)

I sit in the car acting like i'm alright but i'm still lying about not being in any pain, i nearly got found out back at the district but i can't sit doing nothing for weeks i belong out in the field not sat at a desk. We pull up at the victims parents house and i come back to reality when i hear Erin, " Hello Jay, are you ready to go?"

"What... yeah lets go" we both get out the car and walk towards the house. I knock on the door and i shout "Chicago police department" as we both take a step back.

A young woman came to the door and she let us in, me and Erin both took a seat on the couch and we started to explain until a larger man came through the door, " Whats going on babe?" he said walking up to his wife who was crying

She took his hand and looked up at him, " This is Detective Lindsey and Detective Halstead from the intelligence unit and they came round because they found Nathan's... um.. body last night"

"what no you got it wrong that's not my brother its someone else who died" he was sad but I could see the anger building inside of him.

I got up and started to walk towards him until Erin grabbed my hand, i knew she was still worrying about my injuries so i turned around and gave her a look to tell her it was ok. I carried on walking towards the man and i put my hand on his shoulder,

"Look man i understand how you feel and i'm really sorry but it was him, it was his DNA" i tried to be supportive but he was getting more angry, i went to walk towards his wife when he asked us to leave but when Erin said we had some more questions, he elbowed me in the ribs and i dropped to the floor.

Erin ran over to me and got down on her knees, " Jay can you hear me are you ok. Your gonna be fine!" Next she grabbed her radio, " Officer down, Halstead has collapsed roll me an ambo to 112th Jane street now!"

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