Part Twenty-five

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Erin's POV

It had been two months since Jay and I had our run in with Mouse and we had moved on, I had just turned nine months pregnant and our twins were growing every single day. I slowly made my way through the district until I reached the stairs and all I could do was sigh, "Go home Erin!" Platt said from behind me.

"No, no I'm fine I can do it, Just give me a hand?" I said putting her hand out.

It felt like it took ages but I finally did it but as I got to the top of the stairs all I got was the death stare from all of my team, "Do you not get to the idea of maternity leave Erin!" Hank said to me with his stern look.

"I'm pregnant, not an invalid" I snapped back as Jay walked over kissed me on the cheek and then put his arm around me to walk to my chair.

I spent the day listening to the case and I sat and watched the team leave again and again until the case was finally over. "Lindsey I know you're very pregnant but can you stop moving around, Your chair is squeaking and distracting me from my paper and you know how I love paperwork." Ruzek laughed at me.

"Shut up Ruzek!" I said as I threw the folder which was on my desk.

We were all laughing and joking around until Hank came storming out of his office, "Let's roll out, the case isn't over yet!"

I sat in my chair and watched them leave but about 20 minutes later I fell asleep slouched in my chair. It wasn't long after until I was startled awake by the noise of at least three gunshots, I didn't know what to do but I had to protect my babies so I stood up as quickly as I could and I headed towards the locker room.

I sat in the locker room and remembered I had left my phone on my desk but I had to get it. I tiptoed out of the locker room and quickly swiped my phone off the desk, then I stopped in my tracks as I could hear shouting coming from downstairs and I knew it wasn't anyone from the police department so I made my way back to the locker as fast as I could.

As I sat myself on the floor of the locker room, I dialed Jay's number and waited for him to answer but the first time I dialed he didn't pick up. I started to cry when I heard my phone ringing and I quickly pressed answer,

"Jay what's going on?"

"The case we are on it went sideways and there's shooters in the district, where are you I'm outside but I can't see you?" 

"Oh god Jay I'm... still inside"

"Don't worry, I'm gonna get you out just stay where you are"

"Oh god our babies, someone's coming Jay..."

"Erin, Erin!"

"No please...please"


The phone cut off and I could still hear Erin's screams over and over again, "I'm going to get her  now!" I said as Hank stood in front of me

"You can't go in their Halstead and you know that"

"That my wife in there, we have a beautiful daughter at home and we have a boy and a girl on the way who are due very soon, SO YOU EITHER LET ME PAST OR I GO THROUGH YOU!" I shouted at him.

"Jay look around, it's not me who you have to get through it's that line of cops over there. So calm down and we will get Erin out when it's safe. They won't hurt her."

I had to get in there somehow but I knew I couldn't get past but I was going to find away to find the person I love.

Nobody's POV

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