Part Twenty-nine

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At the district

Antonio raced into the bullpen and got everyone's attention,

 " that guy was saying stuff and he remembered Jay and when they first took him to the warehouse and he was talking about everything they did but he wouldn't tell me where the gang are held up now and he's not gonna snitch but we gotta get him back, we just gotta get him..."

"Dawson what are you talking about, save who?" Hank shouted over him rambling

"Jay, Jay's alive!"

Everyone had a look of shock and confusion on their faces and didn't really know what to do, "how do you even know for sure?"

"He told me how they stabbed him but he got stitched up and they just kept him to torture him. He wouldn't tell me where he was!"

The team spoke over each other until they saw Erin running up the stairs, "guys some man just walked into med with a gun and took Will and Nat. We need to get down there now!"

"Okay Erin and Kim go to med everyone else is gonna look for them and cover everything here" Hank ordered.

At the warehouse
As Will and Natalie took a step inside she was pulled out of his arms by some guys until Will fought back and grabbed her, "NO, she stays with me she's a doctor and can help me with who's hurt." Will shouted.

Jay shot awake after hearing shouting and fighting from downstairs and he was praying they weren't about to come kill him.

Both Will and Nat were pushed through a door at the end of the hall. They both hit the floor and could hear someone else in the room, "hey how are we supposed to help if we can't see?" Will shouted through the door and shortly later two flashlights were thrown in.

Will turned his flashlight on and scanned around the room until he saw someone slouched against the wall. He ran over and got down and his knees but then turned around to see Nat with her head buried in her knees, "Nat come one please I need you"

Nat slowly got up and walked over to him, they both started to look at the guy but Will couldn't see his face due to bruising and scratches but then he heard him muttering.

"Wait Will, he said something?" Natalie said after not hearing him properly.

"Will it's me" he whispered and that was when Will noticed who it was.

"JAY, jay what the, oh god man wha..."

"It's okay brother I'm pretty used to this happening to me by now" jay coughed

"How the hell are you alive?" Will said holding his brother in his arms

"You guys and my family kept me going all this time. I've been so close to giving up. I'm sorry Will"

"Oh no Jay you have nothing to be sorry for okay, we're gonna help you now but I have to look at your leg Jay"

Will touched Jays leg which made him flinch, " no it's okay Will carry on, it's just a force of habit"

Will and Natalie strapped Jay's leg up in bandages and everything they had but it still wasn't good enough, "wait, wait Will the twins, did they make... I haven't stopped thinking about it... is Erin okay?"

"Jay you need to calm down, it's not good for you to stress out and yeah Erin had to beautiful twins via C-section"

Jay let out a smile and a laugh, "of course she didn't. What are their names?"

"Well your little girl is called Hope and your little boy is called Henry" Will said as he leant on the wall next to his brother an hugged him, "that's amazing!" Jay whispered as he dozed off to sleep.

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