Part Twenty-Three

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It had been three months since the wedding and Erin and Jay were going for their baby scan, "Are you ready?" Jay asked her

"I'm so ready, I'm big already like come on!" she laughed

"Well maybe it's triplets and we can be a big massive family" Jay laughed back, "Anyway do you want a boy or a girl?"

"A boy because we already have a girl and you'll be able to do manly stuff with him."

They were so happy they were having a baby after everything they had been through. They walked through the hospital doors and diverted towards the maternity ward and as they sat down in the waiting room, they heard the doctor call Erin's name.

She hopped up on the bed and Dr manning starting the ultrasound, " how far along am I?" Erin asked

"According to the size of the baby you are about 16 weeks" Natalie said

"No wonder you are so big already!" Jay said to Erin

Natalie let out a laugh," that's not the only reason Jay... it looks like you are expecting twins!" She said Turning around the monitor.

Erin put her hands over her face as she couldn't believe they were expecting twins, "ugh I can't believe it jay, we are gonna be parents of three kids!"

"I love you so much Erin and Esme and our two beautiful growing babies" "can we find out the sexes of them? Jay then asked

"Of course, you are expecting a... girl and a boy!"

Erin and Jay were so happy they were having a boy and a girl and their lives were going perfectly. They walked through the hospital towards the doors when Jay saw Mouse stumbling down the corridor.

They both came to a stop, "I'm not here to cause trouble Jay" Mouse said

"Well last time I saw you, you punched me causing me to fall and push my pregnant wife over!"

"I'm so sorry Jay and Erin I'm sorry too... if you got hurt. I'm here to get sorted out, back on track" Mouse took a step closer which made Jay move and stand in front in Erin, "I'm sorry Mouse but until you're properly clean and back to your normal self I don't want you anywhere near us"

"How could you just abandon me after everything I went through overseas and as soon as you get a family you leave me?" Mouse asked

"Mouse it isn't up for discussion and don't you dare put this on me. You were not the only who went through bag things overseas...still going through things" Jay said as he took Erin's hand and walked away.

Jay still had his demons in the closet and with Mouse acting out all he wants to do is tell someone about it but he just can't bring himself to do it yet.

Erin and Jay spend the rest of the day talking about baby names and the nursery and they laid in bed cuddling and kissing, they had been asleep for a few hours when Jay started to toss and turn in his sleep...

Jay and Mouse were walking through the barracks when a huge explosion erupted from underneath them. They were both thrown in different directions and Jay woke up to see Mouse lying face down in the sand, he quickly got up and ran over to him turning him over but as Jay heard gun fire, he looked over his shoulder to see them being ambushed.

"Mouse, Mouse come on man we gotta move. GET UP NOW COME ON!"  

Jay tried to wake him up but he felt himself being dragged away from him from behind, "GET OFF ME YOU SON OF A BITCH!" He shouted but them he saw two guys picking Mouse up off the floor, "Leave him alone, leave him!" but before Jay finished shouting he felt the butt of a gun hit him in the face before everything went dark.

Mouse finally woke and found himself chained to the wall but as he looked around the room he saw Jay chained to the ceiling, "Jay?" he whispered as he woke up and looked him, "I'm gonna get us out Mouse" Jay said feeling drowsy.

As they finished talking three guys walked in the room and began to beat up Jay when Mouse shouted them and they walked over to him. Jay spat the blood out of his mouth and then he looked up to see a guy pull a large knife from his side and he walked towards Mouse, "No stop, leave him alone!" Jay shouted but he couldn't do anything as he stabbed Mouse through the abdomen with his knife. Jay thrashed about trying to get free but it was no use, he couldn't get free. He struggled over and over again until he got punched until he was knocked out...

Jay shot up in bed and threw his legs over the side and sat up, he wiped the sweat from his forehead and he couldn't contain his anger as he punched the lamp off of the bedside table. Erin quickly sat up in bed and turned on her lamp to see Jay sitting on the edge of the bed, she gently placed her hand on his shoulder but he jumped and quickly got off the bed. "Jay?" Erin said as he was walking away

"I need a minute" He said walking out of the door.

Erin laid back down in the bed and rubbed her face with her hands, she then slid her hand down to her bump, "What are we gonna do?" she whispered. She wanted to be there for Jay but she knew his PTSD was coming back and there was nothing she could really do but deep down in her mind she knew it could turn out being dangerous. Erin was just praying that Jay could be ok.

Sorry this chapter has taken a while, I have just been really busy with school. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and what will happen to Jay? xx

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