Part Nine

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(Nobody's POV)

"POSITIVE!" Erin screamed

"Oh my god Erin we're gonna be parents!" Jay smiled

"We are going to be parents" Erin repeated as Jay swung her around.Jay put her down and she went serious, "Look we can't tell Hank though not until i'm showing okay"

"Of course babe i love you so much!" Jay kissed her

"i love you too, i'm gonna book an appointment at the hospital for tomorrow" Erin said as she walked into the kitchen.

(The next morning)

Jay and Erin were hand in hand as they walked up to the labor ward of the hospital for their scan, " I'm so excited" Jay said as they sat down in the waiting room.

10 minutes later the doctor came out, "Erin Lindsey?"

They stood up and walked into the hospital room, and Erin laid down on the bed and Jay sat next to her,

"Are you ready for your first scan?" the doctor asked and Erin nodded.

The doctor continued, "Okay so looks like you are about four weeks along, have you had any morning sickness yet?"

"yeah i little" Erin replied as she actually felt sick at that moment

"Ok well i will prescribe you some pre-natal vitamins to help and to keep the baby healthy"

" we are both detective's at district 21 and we are out in the field, is it dangerous for Erin to be out there?" jay asked concerned

"yes but not yet but when the pregnancy progresses defiantly, so just be careful"

"sure thing, i'll take care of her" 

"Okay lets go to work, we are late!" Erin said getting off the bed.

District 21

They walked through the doors to be given a death stare by Platt  " you're late". so they both just gave her a smile as Jay buzzed them up.

They walked up to the top of the stairs to see Hank stood at his door, "you're late!"

"I know i'm sorry Hank, i had a flat tire and Jay picked me up" she said sitting down.

Voight grunted as he walked into his office and Jay gave Erin a glare but then Jay stared down to his phone which was ringing to decline it and quickly put it down as others saw this happen.

The team worked through a case throughout the day as Jay phone was ringing for the third time but he had zoned out, "Jay!" Mouse shouted.

"yeah...what?" Jay said after he jumped

"Answer the damn phone, it won't stop ringing!"

"sorry guys" Jay said as he walked into the break room and answered the phone.

Jay had been there in while when Erin turned round to see his head in one of his hands and the phone to his ear and then she turned around to mouse, "Hey mouse do you know whats going on?"

"it beats me, he always normally answers his phone" he said looking up and then back down to his computer.Erin turned her head back to her computer when she jumped from hearing Jay shout. she stood up and the team looked up and listened to him,

" NO, i said i would never do that again and i got out, i healed and i started over... yeah i know its not for long but i have a life here, a good one."

"NO don't you dare say that, of course i want to fight for my country... Fine i'll do it, when do i leave?"

Jay listened into the phone for a little while,"A WEEK, yes ok sir i understand" he said as he put the phone down and took some deep breaths.

He walked out of the break room and stormed off towards the locker room. "leave him to cool down, he'll come out when he's ready" Mouse said looking at everyone.

Half an hour later Jay came out and knocked on Hanks door, walked in and shut the door, "Hey whats up?" Hank asked

"I just got a phone call and look i'm just gonna say it"

"what?" Hank said as he was getting impatient

"I'm going back" 

Hank shot him a confusing look, "where, back down to patrol?"

"NO, no i'm going back to Afghanistan in a week!"

"I'm sorry Jay i know you didn't want to. Do you want me to tell everyone?"

"No its fine, i'll go do it now" Jay said opening the door and walking out.

(Jay's POV)

I took a deep breath and walked out the door, "Hey guys?" i say trying not to look at Erin because i know it will kill her

They all looked and I began to speak, " so i got a phone call earlier, it was a phone call i couldn't really say no to..." 

I went to carry on when mouse stood up to walk away, "Mouse come on man!" 

"No, no way i'm not gonna sit here when i know what you're about to say, you're about to say something you said would never happen again!" he shouted as he walked away

"I'm just gonna say it... the phone call was a general from my old regiment and he told me i have to go back for around 5 months for a recon mission, i'm sorry" i explained as I turned to look at Erin who had a tear rolling down her cheek.

I got a hug from all the guys when i nodded to Erin and she followed me to the locker room. She walked as i closed the door and I immediately pulled her into a hug, "I'm so sorry" i whispered

"It's okay Jay i understand but i just hate the feeling that something is going to happen to you!" she said crying into my chest.

"It brakes my heart to leave you but i will be back and i will be back for the birth of our little prince or princess." i said as i put my hands on her belly.

She put her hands on top of mine, "I love you so much Mr Halstead"

"I love you both of you too!" I replied.

I thought i'd end this hear because the next chapter will start with jay leaving. hope you enjoyed. xx

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