Part Seven

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Jay wakes up the next morning and rolls over realizing there is someone else in his bed, he let out a sigh and a smile because his dream had come true Erin Lindsey was asleep in his bed. Jay got up not wanting to wake Erin and tiptoed into the kitchen to make some coffee.

As he pours his coffee into a mug he sees Erin walking out of his bedroom with one of his shirts on which looked massive on her, she walks up to the machine and pours some coffee,

"Good morning Erin" jay said as looked up at her

"Good morning to you to Jay. How are you?"

"Well i'm great and i'm definitely feeling better after last night thanks to you!"

" I though it was about time we got to know each other a little better... uh shoot Jay what time is it?"

" It's a little after seven i think, why?"

" because we are gonna be late and Voight will have my ass but he will have both of hours if we are late together!"

"yeah, we should probably end our little 'us' time and get to work" Jay said. They both quickly got ready for work and rushed to the district where they made it just in time. Jay let out a little laugh as they both rushed to their desks.

Adam then thought it was time to start his daily jokes, "Is it just me or can anyone smell something bad?... oh wait no i think its the same clothes as Erin wore yesterday"

"haha, you're hilarious Ruzek, I stayed at a friends so i didn't have time to go back to my apartment and change, ok" Erin fought back

" Is this certain friend a boyfriend maybe... does Erin Lindsey have a secret boyfriend?" Dawson asks

" why are you jealous Antonio, It wasn't a boy it was one of my old friends who was a girl by the way from high school, so lets drop this and go back to your paperwork or something!"

Erin looked up to see Jay with a smirk on his face so she shook her head to tell him to stop.

(Voights POV)

I walk up the stairs to see everyone joking and messing around so i walk up to the whiteboard and smack on a picture of a man,

"listen up, this is Ben Matthews and he is the biggest suspect in a double homicide of his mother and eight year old sister but yesterday he killed again but this time a woman who went for a jog, We need to find him before he strikes again."

"what a pig!" i hear Erin say

"okay so, Lindsey and Halstead go inform the divorced husband and Al and Ruzek go to the morgue and get the full details on what happened"

"yippee my favorite job" Ruzek said when walking out next to Halstead.

(Nobody's POV)

Jay and Erin walked up to the house as they saw someone open the door

"Are you Mr Matthews?" Jay asked

"Yes I am, sorry what is this regarding
Erin showed the man her badge which was clipped to her belt,"I'm Detective Lindsey and this is my partner Detective Halstead, may we come in please?"

"Sure, this way" he said turning around and walking towards the kitchen

As they sit down at the table Erin ask him some questions, "sir when is the last time you saw your son?"

"Erm yesterday morning, why" he said looking confused

Jay took over as Erin didn't really know how to tell him, "there's no easy way to say this but we got a call yesterday about a woman and a young girl being murdered in a house on the south side of Chicago and it was your ex wife and daughter"

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