Part Twenty-eight

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One year later

It had been one year since Jay had died and I was still feeling broken, like someone ripped the heart out of my chest. I was getting Esme ready for bed when I heard a knock at my door.

I walked and opened the door with Henry resting on my hip, 

" Oh hey Hank. Come in"

"How're you doing Erin?"

"I'm okay, it's good to have my kids around me"

"Listen Erin, I know you've had a year off but have you thought about coming back to work anytime soon?" Hank asked

"I'm not sure if I'm ready to come back yet Hank"

"We need you Erin, we've got a lot of cases and we need your help, so what do you say?"

"When do I start back?" I said

I spent the next few hours talking to Hank about work and my life and I was actually excited to go back to work and start over. I woke up in the morning, got dressed and took the kids to Pre-school, "I'll see you guys later, Uncle Will's gonna pick you up" I said as I kissed and left them.

I drove to the district and parked up but I couldn't get out the car, I hadn't been to work since Jay got killed. I sat in the car staring at the building until I heard a knock at my car window, I put my window down to see Antonio leaning in, "Are you coming in anytime soon?"

"Yeah I just needed a minute" I said to him

"Well you've been sat out here for over an hour. So come on I'll walk you in" Antonio said opening my car door. 

We walked into the district and everything just felt normal again, the sarcastic attitude from Plat and the constant chatter from all around. I walked to the top of the stairs and the first thing I saw was Jay's desk, It was still there full of his things, picture and files. I stood there staring at it when Kim came over and hugged me, "I'm so happy you're back!"

"I'm happy too you know, fresh start. Hey guys can I just say... no walking on egg shells with me, I'm back and i'm feeling better so lets get to work"

Nobody's POV 

Erin spent her first day back out in the field and she felt happy to be back instead of being at home all the time. She didn't want a new partner but she had to have one so she decided to have Kim as her partner. The next few days Erin spent time buried in files, she was the only one in the Bullpen and the she saw Hank and the team coming up the stairs, 

"Erin we have a case today and I understand if you want to go home?"

"What's it about Hank?" 

"We have to reopen the case of... the gang who killed Jay"

"Oh no way, I'm staying!" Erin shouted

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah!" she said getting up and walking into the break room.

Everyone gathered around the board and Antonio started briefing everyone, "Okay so we've had multiple murders in the past week but there was another stabbing but he survived and is at med, it is known to be a gang who we have dealt with before and we know it is them due to how they kill."

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