Part Eighteen

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(Will's POV)

It had been over a day since Jay and my niece had gone missing without a trace and i couldn't help think something bad has happened to them.

"They will find them Will, it's what they do" Nat said to me as she hugged me

"You don't know that Nat, Jay has been through this a few times and It didn't end very good."

"I know, i'm sorry Will. I will come and see you after I have finished with my patients." As Nat walked off i went into a daydream until i could hear Maggie shouting my name, "What?" I say turning around.

"Come on!" she says as the ER doors burst open, "what have we got?" I say to the paramedics

"Baby found abandoned on the street 20 minutes away, fast heart rate and on the verge of hypothermia, we've been trying to warm her up since we picked her up."

"okay we'll take it from here" I say to them.

This was hard for me as all i could think about was Esme and what could be happening to her. "WILL!" Nat shouts as she sees me staring at the baby.

"Are you okay, can you do this?" she asked me

"Yeah Nat I'm fine, okay can someone get me a DNA test and find out who she is because she belongs to someone!" I say walking away to get some air.

(Nobody's POV)

The team walk up the stairs to see Erin with her head on Jay's desk asleep, "Did she not go home?" Antonio says as he walks over to her and nudges her shoulders, "Erin wake up!"

Before he could finish talking, Erin jumped to her feet, "What, what happened?"

"Did you not go home?" Hank asks her

"No i stayed with Mouse and we were working passed midnight as we were trying to find footage from other cameras around the city for the van but it was no use, but by the time we finished there was no point in going home so we just stayed here." she explained

Hank looked around the Bullpen, "Well where's Mouse?"

Erin took a few steps forwards and pointed towards the break room as the team looked at Mouse sprawled across the couch, "Dawson go wake him up and tell him to go through the footage for yesterday again!" Hank said walking towards the office.

"Hank, what's the point of going through yesterdays footage, we need to find new footage, this is my family!" Erin said banging her hand down on her desk.

"Erin we may have missed something"

Erin picked up her phone, gun and badge and went to leave, "Well i'm going to my apartment to get changed and to get some clothes for Jay and Esme for when we find them" Everyone could see Erin was going into a bit of denial but no one said anything as they saw Platt coming up the stairs, "Erin wait?"

"What Platt I have to go!" Erin said to her

"Something was just delivered and it was addresses to you and... Mouse"

Mouse stood up and walked over, "Well, what was it?"

"This... a USB stick" As she put her hand up with it in, everyone started at he hand as they knew exactly what it was.

Mouse took it out of her hand and put in into his computer as everyone gathered around. He pressed play and the team were watching a video of  Jay chained to a ceiling being tortured and beaten to death. The team were talking as Erin shouted at them to shut up, "Jay's saying something!" she shouted.

"Where's my daughter!" they heard him shout.

Tears were rolling down Erins face from seeing him be beaten and listening to his screams, "He's asking about Esme!" 

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