Part Thirteen

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(several months later)

Erin had been sat around for months hoping Jay would wake up. She was now seven months pregnant and Jay had been in a coma for around four months, she decided to take a leave of absence from work as all she does everyday is sit in Jays hospital room hoping that he would get a Kidney.

Erin hardly slept anymore and everyone around her knew it was bad for the baby but she wouldn't listen to anyone so Will tried speaking to her, "Hey Erin?" she didn't answer at first... "ERIN?"

"yes, what sorry?" She mumbled 

"Go home, go eat and shower and take a nap please, you have to think about yourselves and the baby sometimes, please?" He pleaded

"I don't want to leave him, what if something happens?"

"Erin nothing has happened in months, I'm going to sit right here and I'm not going to move until you come back, okay?"

"Fine, but i'll be back in a few hours and you need to call me if ANYTHING happens!" she said kissing Jay and leaving the room.

(At the district)

"Hey Hank have you heard from Erin recently?" Antonio asked

"Not for a few days, she hasn't left the hospital in months and she's still growing and carrying their child, I'm just worried she isn't taking care of herself" Hank explained but as he finished Erin got to the top of the stairs.

"You guys don't have to keep telling me, I know you are trying to help" She stood rubbing her large baby bump.

Kim ran over to her and gave her a hug, " Hey mama, how are you both doing?"

"we're fine Kim thanks apart from my bladder being crushed all the time!" Erin said with a smile.

Hank then walked up to Erin and wrapped his arms around her," It's good to see you, what are doing here?"

"Will kicked me out of the hospital, he told me to shower, eat and sleep but the only clothes i have left are in my locker, the rest are dirty at my apartment. I'm getting changed and then going back to the hospital to be with Jay.

"Why don't you spend some time here today, it will be good to get some fresh air?" Hank pleaded

"Fine but not for too long!" she agreed.

Erin spent her day catching up with everyone and rubbing her baby bump talking to her little girl but she thought it was finally time to go back to the hospital, "right guys im gonna make my way back to the hospital, Hank i'll call you later"

"see you later!" everyone shouted and she left to leave but Hank shouted her name, "what?" she asked

"take care of yourself!" he asked, "yes sir" she said smiling.

Erin walked down the stairs of the bullpen and walked passed Trudy's desk to say bye,

"I hope Jay is doing better Erin?" Trudy said

"Thank you trudy, see you soon" Erin said turning around to leave.

Erin walked towards the door when she heard a gunshot close by, she went to turn around when she felt someone put their arm around her neck and then she felt the cold barrel of a gun against her temple. Erin didn't see the chaos that was going until she looked up to see guns pointed at her in every direction and then she saw Hank and the team running down the stairs and in front of her,

"Hank?" She choked with one arm on the guys arm and her other on her bump.

"patrolmen lower your weapons!" Hank shouted, "Why don't you let her go?"

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