Part Eleven

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"Dispatch... we need an ambo rolled to Detective Erin Lindsey's apartment now!" Atwater radioed

"It's on its way" The voice said through his radio.

Kim knelled beside Erin and took her hand, "Erin can you hear me... Oh god what happened. Atwater grab some towels to mop up all this blood"

Kim turned back around to look at Erin and she opened her eyes, "Kim please help my baby, i can't lose it i won't be able to forgive myself" she cried

"Baby!" Atwater stopped in his tracks. "shut up Kevin!" Kim shouted

They sat with Erin as the Paramedics Gabby and sylvie rushed into the apartment. " you've got to help her she is erm... six weeks pregnant, we arrived and she was on the floor like this"

"Oh god, is there anyone with her?" Gabby asked

"Jay,He's in Afghanistan but knows about us" Erin whispered semi-conscious.

Gabby and Sylvie both looked up confused, "He got sent back for a tour for 5 months, he knows she pregnant but doesn't know about this"

"Ok call him on the way to the hospital" Sylvie said as they began to leave. They put Erin into the ambulance when the ECG started to beep fast, "She crashing, lets go Sylvie!" Gabby shouted shutting the doors 

"We'll escort you to Med" Kim shouted at Sylvie.

(At Med)

As the doors crashed opened at Med, Maggie came running over, "what have we go... Erin?"

"Erin Lindsey found collapsed in her apartment in a pool of her blood, she approximately 6 weeks pregnant, she started crashing on the way in and I've been doing CPR all the way" Gabby said while on the gurney giving Her chest compression's. 

"Take her to Trauma one and someone page Dr Halstead, also Dr Field from peds." Maggie shouted.

Doctors and Nurses were in an out of Erin room when Will stood next to her, "Please don't tell Hank, me and Jay don't want him to find out like this."

"Jay... what find out what, Maggie whats going on?"

"Will she 6 weeks pregnant" April said

"What, it's okay Erin, you're gonna be fine" Will said, "Can someone get me a Ultrasound please and find out what the hell is going on!"

Kim and Atwater sat in the waiting as Hank, Antonio, Al, Ruzek and Mouse came running down the hall towards them,

"What happened to Erin!" Hank shouted 

"Sarge we went to her apartment to check on her but when he got there she was collapsed on the floor so we called an ambo but when they loaded her in she started crashing and Gabby was still doing CPR when we came in" Kevin explained leaving out the blood part as he didn't know she was pregnant.

"ugh i should of checked on her sooner, shes my partner now!" Antonio shouted as he kicked the bin and walked off

(2 hours later)

As they all sat in the waiting room waiting for an update, Gabby came round the corner and Antonio stood up and walked to her,

"Hey Antonio, have you heard anything?"

"No we have been waiting for over two hours, was she alive when you came in?"

"Yeah but i had to do CPR, Antonio there is something i need to tell you but it doesn't repeat out of you mouth okay?"

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