Part Twenty-Four

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The next morning Erin woke up to an empty apartment and she didn't know when Jay left during the night. She dialed his phone many times but it had gone straight to voicemail, it was six o clock in the morning but she put on some clothes, grabbed her car keys and drove towards the district.

Erin had started to cry on the way because she was worried something had happened to Jay, she pulled up at the district and walked in through the back entrance. As she walked up the stairs so saw the light on in Hank's office and she wasn't surprised that he was already at work. She knocked and open the door and she saw Hank stand as he saw the state she was in, "Erin, what's wrong?"

"Has... um Jay been by?" she sniffed

"No come on take a seat and tell me what happened"

Erin took a deep breath, "We went for the scan in the hospital and we saw Mouse, they argued again and last night we were asleep and the next thing I knew was that i heard him punch the lamp off the bedside table. His PTSD has come back Hank and I woke up this morning and he was gone, Oh god what if he has done something or something has happened to him?"

"Erin listen to me... we're gonna find him."

As Erin walked stood up and walked out of the door the rest of the team were there now waiting to find out what was going on but before she spoke to them about Jay she saw him stumbling up the stairs covered in blood. Erin ran towards him and caught him as he fell to the ground, "Jay, Jay can you hear me... what happened?"

"Mou... Mouse... I saw him at molly's,he was drunk and he attacked me. He said I let him down and I forgot about everything that happened." Jay spluttered

Erin turned around and faced Hank, "FIND MOUSE!... Ruzek call an ambulance"

"I'm tired Erin" Jay whispered

Erin started to cry, "NO... no you need to stay awake, don't leave us Jay. Me, Esme and our beautiful twins need you too. Ruzek where's that ambulance?"

"It's pulling up now, Platt's gonna bring them up" Ruzek replied

"Stay awake Jay, the paramedics are coming"

The ride to Med was almost silent and Erin held his hand all the way. She had wait in the waiting room while Jay was getting checked and she couldn't bare it, she needed to be with him. It was about an hour when Will finally are walking around the corner towards Erin,

"Is he ok?" She asked

"He's resting, come on I'll take you to him"

Erin sat in the chair next to Jay and she took his hand as he woke up, "what's his injuries Will?"

"His jaw was fractured, his nose is broken, he has many lacerations to his face which will heal over time and his leg was also broken I don't even know how he made it that far on it" Will explained

"I'm okay Erin" Jay whispered

"Ugh i love you so much and please talk to me about everything, whenever it is just please don't leave me again"

"I promise, I love you too" Jay said as he went back to sleep.

Erin sat next to Jay for the rest of the day when she heard someone come into the room and she expected it to be Will or the team but all she saw was Mouse standing at the end of Jay's bed.

"Go home Mouse now, we don't want you hear, you're drunk" Erin said standing up and walking over to him.

"You have no idea do you, you stupid BITCH!" Mouse shouted grabbing hold of Erin, "You have no idea what we go through, seeing people die in front of us every second of every day!"

"LET GO OF ME!" Erin shouted as she pulled away but she also woke Jay up but they didn't notice and Jay couldn't shout because of his jaw.

"Of course I know what happens, i see things like that too so it's not just all about you but look at him" she said pointing to Jay, "You did this, you nearly killed him so don't you dare think for a second that you are the only one going through this because his PTSD has came back and I have to deal with that too." Erin said pushing Mouse back but she saw him go red and he was angry.

Mouse hit Erin hard round the face causing her to fall to the ground, as he did this Will and Hank had just walked through the door. Hank pushed Mouse up and against the wall and Will went down next to Erin.

"Erin, Erin, Erin!" was all she could hear and she knew it was Jay but he couldn't do anything because he couldn't get out of bed.

Erin's POV

I was crying and I brought my hand to my stomach as I was still pretty out of it from the hit, I could still hear Jay shouting. I grabbed on to Will and he pulled me up off the ground and he walked me over to Jay's bed, I fell into his lap and sobbed to him. I couldn't believe what Mouse had done.

"Get him out of here Hank, before I kill him!" I heard Jay say

"Jay, Jay I'm sorry, oh god!" Mouse cried

"She's just turned Six months pregnant with twins you idiot!" Hank said as he punched him

Jay could feel Erin sobbing still, "Right everyone get out, we need some space. Will come back later will you and check on Erin and the twins."

Everyone left and Jay lifted Erin's head up with his hands, "Are you okay babe?" he said as he wiped the blood from under her nose.

"I'm not worried about me, I'm worried about are little boy and girl. What if somethings happens" Erin cried

"Don't worry ok, Will is going to come back and check on you and the twins and if Mouse ever comes near you again, I'll kill him myself"

Jay could still see that Erin was pretty shaken up, "Come here" he says as she swings her legs up on the bed and lays down next to Jay.

They laid next to each other for hours until Erin had finally fallen asleep, "How's she doing?" Will said as he walked in.

"I don't know, her face is sore and she hurt her hip when she hit the floor. Where's Mouse?"

"I'll get the OBGYN to check her out and as for Mouse, Hank took him down to the station."

Jay swung his legs over the bed and put the blanket over Erin. As he stood up he grabbed his crutches and started to walk towards the door, "Wait... Wait where do you think you're going?"

"I have to see him, talk to him" Jay said

"No no way, you need to get back into bed" Will argued

Jay carried on walking, "Just take care of Erin and I'll be back okay but don't worry about me, the only thing we need to care about is Erin and our twins"

Jay got to the district and snuck in through the back entrance so he wouldn't be seen. He stood in front of the cage and saw Mouse lift his head but he also saw his black eye and bleeding lip,"What are you doing here?" Mouse said

"How could you, I get me okay but of all people, Erin. What were you thinking?" Jay shouted

"I got angry ok and I couldn't help myself, is she alright?"

"You had no right, she pregnant, she's six months pregnant with twins!"

"So come on then Jay hit me, kill me!" Mouse aggravated him.

"NO, i'm nothing like you and I'm better than you but i swear if you come anywhere near me or Erin again, I will kill you!" Jay said getting closer to the cage before Voight walked down the stairs.

"Get back to the hospital Jay" Voight ordered

"Don't worry sarge, I was just leaving" Jay said walking away on his crutches.

Jay walked through his hospital room door and all he could do was stand there and stare at Erin who was lying fast asleep with a hand on her bump in his bed but all he could think about was the huge bruising which had formed on her face and all he wanted to do was make Mouse pay but he knew he had to be better than that and be there for Erin.

I know not much is happening at the minute but its going to speed up soon, hope you enjoyed. xx

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