Part Four

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(Nobody's POV)

"Guys we found them, grab a ladder" Severide shouted behind him

As they lowered the ladder down Erin slowly climbed up, " god Erin, you look like you have been through hell. are you ok?" Hank tried to reassure her.

" I'm fine but jay lost consciousness, i don't know how long he has left!" Erin pleaded for them to get him out.

Firehouse 51 lowered a stretcher down and Gabby went down to check if he was okay, " Hey Halstead, its Gab can you hear me. Come on man wake up!" she had begun to shout as he wasn't responding due to blood loss. She strapped him in and they lifted him up the ladder and everyone knew he was in a critical state.

Sylvie ran up to them, " guys i have called med and they know we are coming but we have to go now if we want him to make it because he has already lost so much blood"

" ok he's flat-lining, I'll start compressions, Sylvie get a line in!" Gabby ordered.

Erin was in shock and was clinging on to Hank, the last she saw of her partner was him being rolled away on a gurney.

(At the Hospital with Burgess and Ruzek)

" PD'S in the house, all hands on deck!, take him to trauma 1" Maggie shouted around the ER, " Can someone page Halstead now"

Kim and Atwater came running through the doors when Will ran past them asking them what happened, Kim was too shaken up so Atwater spoke to him " We heard of a hostage situation and we didn't know there was a bomb until Jay tried to tell us, but it was too late and the building exploded and collapsed. we found everyone but Ruzek was one of the closest people to the building and when we found him with glass in his side!"

"Jay... oh god where's Jay, is he ok?" will began to get worried about his brother.

" we don't know, we left before they continued looking but he wasn't there when we was helping Adam" Kim answered

Before Will could answer, he was rushed into surgery and Kim sunk to her knees crying into Atwater' arms.

(On the way to the hospital with Jay)

"come on jay stay with me!" Gabby pleaded " How far out Brett?"

" 5 minutes" Brett shouted back

Jay gasped as he felt the pain in his side and he tried to sit up but was pushed back down by Gabby, " Erin?" he whispered at Gabby trying to get his breath

Gabby tried to calm him down, " she fine, she on her way and is going to meet us at Med"

Jays world started to go fuzzy and he heard Gabby shout before it went black.

Ambo 61 arrived at Med with a whole crew of people waiting to attend to Jay and they loaded him out and were through the doors within a few seconds. "Everyone who isn't a doctor needs to leave this room now to allow us to work" Dr Manning pleaded as she shut the trauma room doors.

A few seconds later Erin ran through the doors towards the nurses station, " Where is he?" she asked when she saw Will running up to " What happened, it's his first day?" he demanded to know what had happened to his brother

" Will" Hank said, " it is apparent that he walked towards the building as it exploded and he was trapped under the rubble for several hours"

Will felt the anger rise and walked away but he turned and shouted towards Erin and Hank, " what the hell happened, you guys were supposed to have his back!" he turned around and walked away to check on his brother.

Kim, Will, Erin, Hank, Antonio, Al and many other officers sat and waited to find out the outcome of their two detectives. As Will sits with his head in his hands, Dr Manning comes through with news and everyone gets up and stands around her.

"Okay so, Adam is in recovery and he's going to be fine as they managed to remove the glass from his side with no complications but... Jay came in with serious injuries and lost almost all of his blood..."

"So he's gone?" Erin cried

" No he survived through the surgery to remove the pole but he is still in a critical condition up in ICU and he still may not make it through the night"

Erin started to speak when Will cut her off, " can I see him Natalie?"

She nodded and they walked away as Will glanced behind him as he was still mad at the intelligence unit. 

(Will's POV)
I walked into Jay's room preparing myself for seeing what condition he was in, it was harder for me as I know when patients are critical because I'm a surgeon myself. Walking through the doors made me take a step back as it didn't even look like my brother, he was as white as a sheet and the rest of him was covered in blood. I sat in the chair next to him and took his hand,
"I love you baby brother you can fight this, you have been through much worse!" The tear fell down my cheek as Natalie walked through the door, she walked up to me and took my hand,

"Will, he's going to be okay you just have to stay positive, ok" Natalie said to me

"I know Nat but I can't lose him, I'm a doctor and you don't have to tread on eggshells with me. What are all of his injuries?"

"Well most of his ribs were shattered from the falling rubble, the metal pole went straight through his stomach which caused him to bleed out and he had a deep laceration in his scalp from falling rocks which fractured part of his skull, I'm so sorry, I love you so much Will"

I looked down to the floor and began to sob, Natalie pushed me back up in the chair and sat on my lap. I took a deep breath and I placed my hand on her still growing baby bump to calm me down. I  hold on to Jay's hand, i don't want to let go as i'm praying he will be ok.

(Nobody's POV)

Will and Natalie fall asleep in each others arms as Jay's eyes start to flutter, " Will is that you?"

"Jay?...Nat wake up, Jay said something" will shook Nat to wake her

They both jump to their feet and stand on either side of the bed, "I love you will, i'm..." Jay went quiet and the next they knew was Jay's machine started beeping rapidly. Will hit the big blue button on the wall an nurses came rushing in, before Will asked what was going on he was being rushed out of the room

A nurse shouted down the hall" Prepare the OR, Jay halstead is crashing!"

The whole of the intelligence unit ran in as Will collapsed into Nat's arms, "What the hell happened?" Hank shouted...

I hope you guys are enjoying it so far, i have got plenty of more things to write about, please feel free to leave a comment and vote.xx

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