Part Three

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(Erin's POV)

I stood and watched my friends at firehouse 51 search for a man i hardly knew but for some reason cared about already and i was praying he was going to be ok. i came back to the scene from daydreaming and i walked up to Casey and i saw him and the guys stopping,

"what the hell are you guys doing, you need to carry on because he could still be alive!" i began to shout as I started to get angry

Casey looked at me for a few seconds and then glanced behind him at the boys, " look Erin, i know Jay is your partner and we all care about him but its getting dark and we have been looking for hours, we thought we should come to the conclusion that maybe he didn't make it?"

" are you serious Matt, your just going to walk away, just like that?!" i heard my voice crack but held back the tears

" I'm sorry Erin, we are going to come back in the morning and carry on digging out bodies, I'm truly sorry"

I couldn't just stand by and know he may still be alive so i took of my coat and grabbed Severide's flashlight from his jacket, i looked around me to see if anyone was watching and i ran, before i knew it i was crawling down a small hole between the rubble. I may be acting like an idiot but i know he's alive and i have to save him because he will die alone in the dark but could this be dangerous, could i be putting my life and the lives of others in danger.

(Severide's POV)

we were clearing up the equipment, and i saw that i nearly left my jacket on the bench. I quickly sprinted over to grab it when i realized my Flashlight which was clipped onto the side was missing, i looked around and saw Erin's coat lying on the floor and i looked around again to see the whole in the rubble. i know she may have just took a walk but she fighting for us to save him.

I turned and shouted towards the trucks, " Guys get over here, it's Erin!"

I saw them sprinting towards me and i also saw Hank run over

" what happened, where is she, is she hurt?" Hank questioned with the guys around him.

i replied, " we stopped looking... we stopped looking for her partner and she get mad so we left her to cool off but when i came back to get my jacket, my flashlight was gone and then i found this,her coat on the floor"

" well where is she?" Casey asked me

I turned around and pointed towards the rubble, " i looked around and saw that gap, i think she crawled in, to try and find Jay"

"But...but it could collapse at any moment, we need to get her out!" Kidd pleaded as this was one of her closest friends.

(Erin's POV)

I'm crawling around in a tiny hole looking for someone who may not even be alive anymore, but i couldn't give up, i have to find him even if he's dead. I continue shouting his name and i come to a stop when i hear yelling from above ground but it isn't Jay's name its mine. Of course they noticed that i was missing, Hank Voight has never gone ten minutes without checking if i'm alright since i was sixteen.

(Jay's POV)

My eyes shoot open as i gasp in pain. I look around as i try and figure out where i am and then i realize, "Damn it" i gasp to myself as i knew it was a stupid idea to walk toward the building. As i sit up against what feels like rubble, i can't look down because my neck hurts but i know i have some kind of injury. I don't know how long i have been down here but i can hear something faint in the distance. Is it happening, am i really dying, has it come to the point where i am hearing things. I hear it again but this time it sounds a little familiar. "OH, god" i know that voice and it's Erin, did she get trapped down here too. I start to panic but i stop as i get an excruciating pain in my side, i lift my hand up to see it covered in thick red blood, my blood. I start to feel dizzy again until every thing goes black.

(Nobody's POV)

Erin is still looking for jay when she sees a dark shadow in the distance, she races forward to see him, the man she has been looking for all day, with a metal pipe going through his abdomen and blood pouring out of his head

" JAY... jay baby can you hear me?" she says slowly realizing she called him baby

He didn't respond so she gently tapped his cheek a few times to get him to wake up, his eyes started to flutter and he said in a low voice " Erin are you okay, i heard you and i thought you were trapped!"

"No, im okay Jay and your going to be just fine, trust me" Erin reaches into her pocket and pulled out her cell phone trying to get some signal, she got a bar and quickly dialed Hank's number.

He quickly answered the phone, putting it on speaker and gathering everyone around " Erin are you okay"

" Yes Hank, im fine. Is Gabby there? Erin quickly asked

"yes she here, i'll put her on!"

Gabby comes on the phone, " Hey Er, it's Gabby, did you find jay?"

" yeah, he's got a metal pipe going through his abdomen and blood gushing out of his head from fallen debris, i don't know what to do there's so much blood!"

Gabby looks around and sees everyone with panicked looks on their faces, " right do you have anything you can soak up the bleeding with and to press on the wounds and where about's are you, the boys need to know so they can get you two out.

" I have a vest which which i can use but its not much and i'm about 50 yards straight down" They could hear the desperation in her voice.

"okay that's good, listen Erin... they are going to get you out of there, just hold on"

She didn't answer but they knew she was tending to Jays injuries so they carried on digging them out.

(Erin's POV)

i could see light above me which mean't they found us, i was so happy but it wasn't over yet... Jay had begun to deteriorate.

 What's going to happen next, Part four will be up soon. i hope people are enjoying it so far and please feel free to leave comments. xx

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