Part Five

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I'm thinking about doing a flashback soon but i'm trying to figure out where to put it in, but it is going to speed up now, hope you enjoy. xx

(Nobody's POV)

one week later

Jay had managed to survive two more surgeries to repair his abdomen but he was put in an induced coma to help him with the pain. Will was still mad at the unit for not having Jay's back so he has band them from coming anywhere near him, Erin had tried many times but Will always turned her away. He was more angry at Erin because she was his actual partner and should of had his back.Will had sat in the chair next to Jay's bed everyday since he came in and everyday he would just sit by and watch the nurses come in and out every few hours to check his vitals, he wouldn't leave his side, he wouldn't go home to his pregnant girlfriend so Natalie decided to start sleeping at the hospital in case something happened as she didn't want to be alone.

At district 21

Erin sat in her chair staring into space when Antonio Dawson walks up to her and clicks his fingers in his face, "Erin are you ok?... hello earth to Erin" 

"What yeah i'm fine, tell Hank i'm taking some personal time" Erin said as she began to walk out of the bullpen but as she walked away, she heard Dawson, " Erin its no use, Will isn't going to let you see him!"

"Fine i'll... i'll go see Ruzek them" she shouted behind her.

Erin walked through Chicago med and she walked passed Jay's room and it killed her not to walk in but she knew she had to carry on, she walked passed a few more rooms and entered Ruzek's room and saw him sat up in his bed watching TV.

"Hey, your looking better Adam, i heard you were leaving soon?" Erin asked

"Yeah they are releasing me tomorrow and i get to go home even though i would rather be at the district finding out who did this , how Jay?" Adam looked at her and could see the worry in her face.

Erin took a deep breath in, " it beats me, Will won't let any of us in his room, no one has seen him since they dug the both of us out at the scene"

"I'm sure he will let you guys see him eventually, come on Erin we're his team. Will just needs time to calm down, he's still worried about his brother"

(Erin's POV)

I look at Ruzek and then i look down at the floor and let out a sigh, i was about to sit back in the chair until i heard Will shouting. I stood up and ran out of the room towards Jay's. I ran into the room but it wasn't Jay who was in trouble it was Natalie, I saw Will leaning down next to her with his hand on her bump,

" your going to be ok Nat, you hear me, you and our baby are going to be fine" i heard Will say as i ran over to him

"What happened?"

Will looked up at me with sheer terror on his face " I have no idea she was fine, she got up to leave and then she just dropped... I knew she shouldn't of been here, she's 9 months pregnant, this is all my fault!"

I looked around and that's when i saw it, the pool of blood around Natalie, " Will?" i said and i pointed for him to turn around,

" Maggie, grab a gurney and get an OR prepped, we need to get my baby out now!" Will shouted

Will and Maggie ran across the floor rolling Nat towards the elevator and i turned around and realized... i was alone with Jay. I sat next to him and took his hand in mine, he has started to get his color back and i stared at him, even though i have only spoke to him a few times i already had this feeling in my stomach, almost like butterflies. 

"Jay, you need to wake up now, your brother is going crazy and your nephew is being born right this second, and then there's me and i don't know what is going on but i seem to have feelings for you and i can't control them. So come on Halstead, wake up" i learn over and kiss his cheek when i quickly shoot back because i hear something

" Erin, Er is that you" Jay whispers in pain

"Yeah i'm right here and you are gonna be fine!"

"i heard what you said Er and i feel the same way" he said with a little side smile.

This chapter was short but the next part will be longer as i'm going to add the time jump and where Jay will be back to work. Hope everyone is enjoying, please comment if you want me to add anything and vote. xx

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