Part Two

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(Erin's POV)

I woke up with a ringing in my ears, and i felt a liquid trickle down my forehead, i pressed my hand to my head and tried to focus my vision and look around to see if the rest of my team are ok but i can't see them, so i slowly stand up and lean up against my car and i see Hank racing towards me, 

"Erin are you ok?" Hank said worryingly

" yeah i'm fine, where is everyone, are they alive?" i questioned

" I don't know, lets go find them" Hank said as i stood up and followed him.

(Nobody's POV)

Erin and Hank began to search when they came across Antonio and Al, who got away with a few scratches from flying debris but they then came across Ruzek who had got a chunk of glass in his side from a broken window,

Hank stood up and shouted towards the petrol men, " someone call an ambulance, officer Ruzek is down."

Kim spun around with a concerned look on her face, is he alive... is he dead. she began to run towards the group and a officer tried to stop her on her way but she pushed him out of the way and she reached the group at a speed she has never ran before. she collapsed to her knees next to her fiance and she grabbed his hand as he began to speak, 

" I love you Kim, i just want you to know that!" he gasped as blood spluttered out of his mouth

" No, you are going to be fine, you do not get to say goodbye to me... not like this Adam. Where is that damn ambulance?" Kim cried

Erin wiped the tears from her face and turned around to see the paramedics moving towards them, " they are here!" she shouted, making people around her jump.

The paramedics put Ruzek on the stretcher and began to walk away with him. Tears were rolling down his face from the pain and the last words he heard before be blacked out was from Kim and she cried, " Adam your going to be fine, i'm right behind you in the squad, you just hold on... i love you so much.

The ambulance raced off with flashing lights as Kim ran off with Atwater to the hospital while she was praying her fiance would still be alive when she arrived.

The team tried to come back to realization as they noticed Erin was spinning around frantically looking for someone

"Okay Erin, whats wrong?... ERIN"  Voight shouted

" where is he, has anyone seen him?" Erin panicked 

" WHO?" asked Antonio

" JAY , you freaking idiots, can someone seriously tell me why no one has asked about him, i get it its his first day but come on guys hes apart of our team!" Erin replied

Everyone looked around looking for jay when Voight had had enough and shouted around to district 21, " Has anybody seen Detective jay halstead since the explosion?"

A patrol officer replied, " The last time i saw him was when he was walking towards the"

Before the officer could finish his sentence, the whole team had turned around and was staring at the heaps of rubble on the ground in front of them. Erin slowly lowered the hand from her mouth and turned to Hank " Hank, if he is under there he could be really injured or... dead. This is my fault, i'm his partner i'm supposed to have his back!"

(Firehouse POV)

Firehouse 51, engine 81, squad 3, ambulance 61, building explosion North Walbash Street

"Ok, lets roll out" lieutenant Casey shouted. The fighter-fighters and both paramedics gabby and sylvie quickly drove out going in different directions so they could arrive quicker. 

Sylvie grabbed her radio and cautiously looked at gabby before she spoke, "Guys, me and Dawson went here earlier and took an injured woman to med but when we left, we saw all of the intelligence group arriving"

"what the whole intelligence unit, including..." Casey replied but he was cut off

"YES Matt, Antonio, Antonio will be there"

The whole crew went quiet just hoping people they cared and loved for were okay, not just family but friends too.

(Nobody's POV)

Everyone rolled up and raced towards the scene before they stopped in their tracks and looked at the mess that was ahead of them. They broke away from their gaze when they heard Gabby Shouting " Antonio, Antonio, where is he?" she shouted at an officer but he didn't answer.

"GABBY!" she stopped and spun around to see Antonio, she ran towards him and they hugged as a tear rolled down her cheek and the team let out a sigh of relief. Everyone came back to reality when they saw Erin running towards them,

" Erin, whats up?" Hermann asked  

she was out of breath but began to talk, " The building exploded, Ruzek was impaled by some glass and has been taken to med but Jay Halstead, he started in our unit today..." 

"JAY, as in Jay who helped me take down Arthur, well where is he?" Gabby cut in

"That's the problem we don't know, the last we heard was he was seen walking towards the building and then you know, it exploded. We think he's trapped" as Erin finished talking, a tear rolled down her cheek as she was still blaming herself. 

Everyone began to look around, " right fan out, we have a member of our family missing and we need to find him but remember we have other people who are going to need out help" Boden shouted

" we will find him, i promise" Casey tried to reassure Erin but it was no use, she wasn't a victims family member she understood what it mean't when something like this happened.

Are they going to find Jay alive, if so the linstead will begin to start and hope everyone is enjoying my first Fan-Fiction. xx

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