Part Twenty-One

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Day by day Erin sat by Jay's bed waiting for him to wake up, but after five days there was still no response. As Erin sat with Esme next to Jay she didn't noticed Will had walked into the room, he walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder which made her jump of of her skin,

"Sorry Will, you just scared me that's all" she said.

"No i'm sorry Erin, i'm not surprised you are scared of me after what I did" Will said referring to her face.

Erin touched the side of her face as she had pretty much forgotten about it, "It's not that, I don't blame you it's just i'm worried about Jay, when will he wake up?"

"Erin he suffered a massive trauma and he is healing well but slowly but it won't just effect him physically it will effect him mentally and he might not be ready to wake up yet as he will have to deal with the aftermath, so it's all down to Jay when he wants to wake up"

"Thanks Will... and Will stop blaming yourself for what happened, you were angry and I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time." Erin said to Will as he left.

Erin spent the day staring at Jay lying peacefully in his bed, she could still see the bruises on his face but they were slowly fading. It wasn't long after Hank picked up Esme when Erin had crawled into bed with Jay much to the nurses protest but she didn't care anyway, she wasn't going to leave his side until he woke up.

Although Erin didn't have to wait long as when she open her eyes the next morning she saw his beautiful baby blue eyes staring at her, "Jay!" she said sitting up

"What happened to your face?" was the first thing Jay said to her

"Really Jay? you're worried about my face. Nothing really we was out on a call and some jackass punched me in the face" Erin had just lied to Jay but she didn't want to tell him what really happened.

"I missed you!" they both said to each other kissing.

"Do you want me to call Hank, I'll get him to bring Esme back?"

Jay looked at Erin confused, "Esme... who's Esme?"

Erin sat up and stared at him, "Jay..." but before she carried on Jay let out a big smile

"Really Erin you thought i would forget about our daughter, call Hank?"

"Well you never know, I'll go call him now" As Erin walked out of the room, Will walked in.

Will sat on the bed next to Jay and hugged him. He had been so worried about him and was so happy to see him awake, "It's good to see you awake!"

"Yeah i'm happy to be able to see my family, how are you and how's Erin really been with work and stuff?"

"I've been ok, really worried but ok and Erin... god she wouldn't leave your bedside, she took some time out of work and look Jay I'm really sorry at what happened to her face"

"What are you talking about Will?" Jay said confusingly

"Her face...I... it was an accident"

Jay was now mad after realizing what happened, "WAIT, you hit her... YOU HIT HER" Jay shouted but then he grabbed himself in pain

"Jay calm down, you're gonna hurt yourself"

"Get out...GET OUT WILL" Jay said as Erin ran in, "Jay what going on?"

"he did that to your face didn't he?" Erin didn't say anything she just stood there and looked at Will but after a few second he stormed out.

Erin sat down next to Jay and he brushed his hand down her face, "Why didn't you tell me babe?"

"I just wanted you to get better, it didn't matter anymore I just got in the middle of a fight between Will and Mouse and as Mouse swerved out of the way Will hit me instead. He was mortified and he wouldn't forgive himself."

"I'm sorry this happened Erin, How's Mouse?"

"erm... he's okay getting better but he thought he lost you so he's gone off the rails a bit but he's back at work getting back into it but he's been amazing with Esme."

"Well, make sure he comes and sees me, It will probably do him good... and Erin, how about I hold our daughter now?"

"Yeah sure" Erin passed Esme to Jay and sat back down as she watched the sit together. Jay went silent for a while until he looked up at Erin, "Erin, I'm really sorry"

"What for?" she asked

"They took her too and I thought they hurt her and I really tried my best to get to her but i couldn't"

"Listen Jay, It's not your fault and I knew you were trying to save her, I saw it and heard it", Jay gave her a confusing look, "Jay they send us videos of them torturing you and I heard you screaming for them to let her go... but they did Jay they were just playing stupid games" she said grabbing his hand.

"I'm never leaving you again, both of you. I love you Erin"

"I love you too Jay" Erin said as he lent over and kissed him.

(One week later)

Jay was packing away his things to go home and as he grabs his suitcase he rummages under his clothes until he pulls out the tiny red velvet box, this was his moment, he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Erin and this was his chance. Erin walked into the room pushing Esme's pram and he slid the box into his pocket, "Morning" she said giving him a kiss.

She brushed her hand down Jay's bruises and cuts but it made him flinch as he was still a little jumpy, she went to pull away but he put his hand on top of hers keeping her hand on his face, "It's Okay" He said nodding at her.

Jay grabbed his crutches and stood up to face Erin, this was his chance and he was about to take it, he grabbed her hand and took a deep breath,

"Erin Lindsey, the day I met you properly was in the Bullpen and I can remember that day like its tattooed on the back of my hand. We met and we went on case and I got trapped under a building which exploded and even though you hardly knew me, you wouldn't give up on me so the crazy person you are crawled in and saved me, from that day on I knew we were made for each other. From all the times we saved each others backs to having a baby with you, you have definitely changed my life for the better." He pulled the box out of his pocket, "I don't want to spend another day without you... So, Erin Lindsey will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

She gasped and threw her hands over her face but then he saw her nodding behind her hands, "Yes, YES of course I will!" she said as he slid the diamond engagement ring down her finger. Erin and Jay stood hugging and kissing when Will walked through the door, Jay still hadn't spoken to him since he found he hit Erin, "Sorry am I interrupting you?" he asked

Jay let out smile, "As a matter of fact you are, I just asked Erin to marry me and... she said yes!"

Will ran over to them and gave them both a hug, "I'm so happy for you both and Jay I'm really sorry"

"Will it's okay Erin spoke to me and told me what happened so were cool bro"

"Well I leave you to get of home and I'll begin planning your engagement party!"

Jay shook his head, "Not yet, the topic of this conversation doesn't leave this room"

"Sure thing!" Will said as he smiled walking out of the room.

Erin walked through the hospital pushing the pram and Jay next to her on crutches, she was so happy, even more happy now she had a fiance. She couldn't wait for their wedding and spending the rest of their lives together.

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