Part Ten

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(At the airport)

Erin has been dreading this morning for the past week. As they walk through the airport holding hands with Jay in his uniform with Erin by his side and it was nearly time to say goodbye.

"I still think we should of told Hank about us before we left Erin?" Jay asked

"What he doesn't know won't kill him Jay"

" yeah i know maybe tell him when i'm not there so he won't actually kill me!" Jay laughed.

As they walked to the gate Jay turned around to face Erin, "well i guess this is it then. ugh i'm really gonna miss you and our little tiny human growing inside you,can you please promise me you will at least tell Kim soon so you are not on your own?"

Erin started to cry, "I'm gonna miss you too and he/she will still be growing when you get back so don't be gone for too long. Yes i'm gonna tell people soon so i can have some more support and i will tell Hank soon."

The call for Jays flight sounded around the airport.

They both stood kissing and hugging and then Jay began to walk off,

"Goodbye, i love you!" Erin cried

"Erin look at me, this isn't a goodbye its a see you soon" he said to her while waving. Erin stood and watched him walk down the hall until she couldn't see him anymore and she decided to leave the airport.

At District 21

Erin had stopped crying but you could tell she had been crying and she went and sat in her chair,

"Hey Erin can i talk to you?" Hank asked

"yeah sure" Erin said walking into his office.

"I know whats going Erin and you should tell me the truth?"

"what i don't know what you are talking about?" she questioned

"you and Halstead! its pretty easy you being together all the time, staying round each others place, coming in late and you just came back from the airport and you have been crying" Hank replied

"I'm sorry Hank, we didn't want to tell anyone yet but Jay is the one for me and we love each other. i'm sorry if you don't agree but i'm not sixteen anymore and he loves me so much. Jay is the man i want to marry one day!"

Hank stood up and walked around to Erin and just wrapped his arms around her, "I love you so much kiddo and i support you"

"I'm so happy you understand, i can't wait to tell Jay he will be so happy" Erin laughed.

(Erin's POV)

Knowing Hank supported me made me so happy and especially because of our baby, I can't wait to tell Jay, I miss him so much but I know he is doing something amazing for this country. I walked down to the filing room and took the baby scan out of my pocket and stared at it.

I started to cry and Kim came round the corner and I quickly hid the scan,

"okay Erin,don't hide things from me, What's going on?" That was when i took out the scan and held it up in front of her.

"You're pregnant" Kim said looking confused, "Yeah me and Jay were keeping it a secret for now until i was showing and its my job to tell people now he has left"

Kim now looked even more confused at me, "Wait...what you and Jay, when did this happen?"

"We got together after he got out the hospital i was round his place a lot helping him and we just clicked straight away and then everything just happened from there, I'm nearly six weeks pregnant which means like i got pregnant the first time we had sex. We just love each other so much but i miss him and i'm scared that i'm going to lose him!" 

I started to cry when Kim wrapped her arms around me, "Come here its okay you have your whole other family right here in this station and we are all here for. Who have you told?"

"I told Hank about our relationship but not about the baby but you're the first person i have told so please don't say anything as i'm keeping it a secret for a least another few weeks."

Its alright your secret is safe with me!" Kim promised me.

(one week later)

It had been over a week since Erin had heard from Jay and she was worried, she walked into the kitchen and opened her laptop and pressed 'call Jay' but he didn't answer so Erin slammed her laptop lid down and walked into the bathroom. she leaned against the sink and broke down i tears as she held her belly,

"He can't leave us" Erin said out loud while crying.

Just as she put her head in her hands she heard a beeping noise from her laptop, "Jay!" she stood up and ran to laptop when she doubled over in pain and collapsed to the floor. She laid there breathing heavily when she felt a liquid run down her leg so she slowly moved her arm down to touch it and as she lifted her arm that was when she saw it, the blood which was dripping down her thighs,

"Oh no" she cried knowing what was happening just she gripped her stomach as the pain got worse to the point where she passed out.

(In the Bullpen)

"Hey Dawson, you seen Erin?" Hank asked

"No not since she left earlier. Has something happened?"

"No she probably just moping around, Ruzek get Kim to give her a call"

"sure thing" Ruzek said picking up his phone.

Kim left the district with Atwater and headed towards Erin's apartment,

"So is Erin ok?" Atwater asked

"Yeah she fine why?" Kim snapped

"No reason just wondering because she's been quiet lately" Atwater said dropping the subject.

They rolled up to Erin's apartment and stepped out of the car, "Well her car's here?" Kim noticed as she opened the front door. Kim got to Erin's door and knocked a few times but there was no answer so Atwater pushed down the door handle and walked in to find Erin laying in a pool of her own blood...

What will happen to Erin and her baby? This chapter is slow but it will pick up next chapter. please feel free to comment and vote. xx

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