Part Nineteen

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This part mentions difficult topics such as PTSD and suicude, hope you enjoy.x

 Jay lifts his head up when he hears loud noises going on outside the door, he hears multiple gun shots and then the door crashes open, this was his moment he thought, He thought he was going to die but instead he saw someone that was almost too familiar, "Jay?!" he heard Mouse shout

"Mouse, of course you found me!" Jay said

"Always man, it's my job", "Lets get you out of here" Mouse said untying him and lifting him to his feet.

It took longer for them to get out as Jay couldn't walk and he had to put all his weight onto Mouse, they were nearly at the door when Jay spotted someone behind him, "Mouse!" he said but it wasn't fast enough as a bullet ripped through his back and out of his stomach. Jay fell to the ground with him and pulled him towards him, "Mouse... come on man GREG!" Jay said as blood spurted out of his mouth. Jay was trying his hardest to help his friend as he knew he was dying but before he knew it he felt a forceful punch to the face which knocked him out.

(Will's POV)

Jay had been missing for days and Will couldn't take it anymore, he grabbed his coat and stormed out of the hospital and made his way to the district. When he got there he was the angriest he had been, "Buzz me up Trudy!" was all he said walking past her desk.

He got to the top of the stairs and tried to contain his anger but he couldn't hold it in anymore he had to get it out, "CAN SOMEONE TELL ME WHY MY BROTHER HASN'T BEEN FOUND YET!?"

Antonio walked over to him, "Will we are trying but your not helping!"

Will got more angry and the next thing he knew was that he had Antonio pinned up against the wall. Antonio was stood there with his hands up and the team watched, "He's my brother, he's the only person I've got."

"Will...will?" Antonio said to him but he felt his body go weak and watched him put his head down and start sobbing, so Antonio slowly pushed his arms off of his chest to free him off the wall and he pulled him into a hug.

He wiped his tears and looked up at the team, "I can't lose him!"

"Listen to me Will, we are going to find him. Have you heard from Mouse?" Antonio says

"No why?"

"He went AWOL yesterday, he thinks he can find Jay on his own" Erin said walking over to him.

Will walked over to Jays desk and sat in his chair, "Well he's done it before"

"What, when?" Hank asks

"i thought he would of told you guys... when they were both serving together Jay got taken and tortured for months and Mouse couldn't handle it so he left his team and went on his own to find Jay... he risked everything his Job, his life but he found him and he brought him home. So if you need someone to trust, trust Mouse." Will explained

"Well i'm gonna ring him again" Erin said walking in to the break room where Esme was.

At the abandoned warehouse

Jay woke up more disorientated then ever, he didn't know where he was or what was going on, then he remembered Mouse. He tried to pull the chains which were connected to the wall but it was no use, he was too weak to do anything. Jay watched the door all day waiting for them to come in but it wasn't for hours until they did,

"I'm surprised your team hasn't come looking for you yet" Jason smirked at him

Jay looked at him with a confused look, "What are you talking about, you killed Mouse!"

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