Part Thirty-One

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It was the morning after Jay tried to kill himself and Erin hasn't left his side since, Jay opened his eyes and saw Erin in the chair next to his bed, "Hey" he said

Erin sat up and grabbed Jay's hand causing him to pull away at first, "Hey sorry Jay"

"No it's ok" He said grabbing her hand

"How are you feeling?" she asked him

He shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know"

"Yeah it's gonna take time Jay but i'm here for you"

"Yeah thanks Er... Will told me about our children"

"Oh god Jay they are amazing all three of them... are you ready to go home soon?" she asked

"Home... I didn't think I would ever hear that word again. Does everyone know?"

"No i'm going to go to the Firehouse and then to the district are you going to be ok?"

Jay nodded his head and Erin stood up and lent over to kiss him. He hesitated at first but then he kissed her, "I love you Erin" He said as she left.

At the Firehouse

I walked into the firehouse and saw Casey, "Hey Erin you look like hell, can I help you with something?" 

"I need to talk to everyone?"

"Yeah come on through, everyone's in the common room" I walked through the common room and saw everyone sitting around the table and on the couch apart from Squad.

"Hey guys, Erin's here she wants to talk to us" Casey said getting everyone's attention.

Everyone turned around and looked at me, "Ok there's no easy way to say this but we had to open up the case on the gang who killed Jay. You may have heard Natalie and Will got taken from the hospital, we found them and there safe, but Ruzek and Atwater followed a car and it crashed..." everyone heard her voice crack from holding back tears, "When they search the car they found... Jay."

Everyone looked up at me with utter shock on their faces and them Gabby stood up, "He's alive?"

"They kept him for over a year, tortured him and yesterday at Med, he tried to kill himself. He's ok as he can be but he will only talk to me."

"Oh I feel sick, but we buried him" Gabby said putting her hand over her mouth. Gabby and Jay were really good friends and she was devastated when he died.

Everyone sat trying to process what Erin had just told them when Squad came crashing through the door, "Capp I told you not to..." Severide stopped and looked at Erin,

 "What happened?"

Before Erin could open her mouth Gabby turned around, "Jay's... alive!"

"No no he's not?" he questioned

"They found him yesterday he has been with the gang the whole time being tortured while we all moved on with our lives"

Kelly didn't say anything next but all he did was walk over to Erin and hugged her, "How're you?"

"I didn't know how to process it at first, but guys my husband and the father of my children is home. Your friend is home" Erin said to everyone

"Can we go see him?" Casey asked.

"Yeah only two at a time and guys Jay is talking yet so just be gentle" Erin said as she left the firehouse.

Gabby's POV

No matter how much I tried I couldn't process what Erin had just told everyone at the firehouse. As Erin left I kicked a chair out of anger and walked towards Casey's office. I opened the door and sat on the bed when Casey walked in after me, "We are all trying to process what happened but why are you angry?"

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