Part Fifteen

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Chicago Med

Antonio pulls up at Med and gets out the car and runs to open Jay's door. Jay gets out the car with Erin in his arms and he runs through the doors, 

"I need some help now," jay shouts as he spots Maggie, "Maggie its Erin!"

"You found her? where was she?" 

"she walked to the district we don't know how far, she's been missing over a day and i think she has gone into labor, she has only just turned eight months." Jay said running putting her on the bed.

"It's okay Jay we've got her, go to the waiting room i won't be long" Maggie said while shutting the trauma room doors.

(One hour later)

Jay and Antonio had now been joined by the whole team who were waiting to hear about Erin, Jay had been pacing around the room since they arrived,"What the hell is taking them so long?" He shouted while punching the wall.

"Jay calm down, get angry isn't going to change anything!" Hank said.

"you didn't see her, the look on her face when she came round the corner. she was terrified." Jay said

"She's gonna be fine!" 

"YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY DID TO HER, THEY WERE SICK PEOPLE! I KNOW WHAT THEY DID AND SHE IS NOT OK!" Jay cried startling the whole room while Will came round the corner,

"Hey Jay, it's ok" he said touching his shoulder

Jay shrugged if off as he began sob, "What did they do to her?" He spurted out as Will wrapped his arms around him and they sunk to the floor. The team watched on as Jay was sobbing into Will on the floor.

After a few minutes Will stands up and pulls Jay to his feet. "Look up me man!" Will says as he is looking at the floor but he looks at him, "Come on, suck it up she is going to need you when she wakes up, so lets go sit down and wait for the doctor." They sit down in the chairs and the doctor come through, "Family of Erin Lindsey?" She says.

Everyone stands up and huddles around with Jay in front, "How is she?"

"She's resting but she went through a traumatic time, she suffered many beatings she need several stitches on her face, she had a cut down her arm from a knife which need twenty stitches and she is severely dehydrated." the doctor explained

"What about our baby?"

"She wasn't in labor but she suffered a minor placental abruption, she ok but she needs to be on bed rest until the baby is born"

"well how does that happen?" Jay asked concerned

"It can be caused from a fall but also other trauma"

Jay really didn't want to ask in front of everyone but he had to, "Did you ask her yet?". the doctor nodded her head, "Yes but she wouldn't let us run any tests".

"Okay can i see her please?" Jay asked

"Sure but only one at a time, follow me" he turn around and gets a go ahead nod from the team so he follow the doctor into Erin's room and then sees her, laying in the bed with her face covered in bruises. Jay walks over to her bed and sit in the chair, He takes her hand and lays his head on the bed waiting for her to wake up, praying her and there baby will be okay.

(Erin's POV)

I start to wake up not wanting to as I know I'm going to wake up and be in that awful place but i feel someone touching me so i open my eyes, but when i open them i see someone I wasn't expecting to see, Jay. I see Jay with his head on my bed with one of his hands on mine and his other on my bump. I move my hand and his head shoots up.

"Jay?" i say letting out a cry.

"Yes Erin im right here, im never leaving again, okay?" He says to me.

"Can you get in the bed with me?" i ask him.

He pulls up the cover and crawls in next to me, when he's laying down i put my hand on his face and kiss him, "I feel so safe when you're around"

"Well im never leaving again" he says kissing me as i fall to sleep, "I love you" i hear him whisper as he puts his arm around me.

I fall asleep knowing with him by side he will never let anything happen to me and the baby.

(A few days later)

Today is the day Erin is getting discharged from the hospital but she still had to be on bed rest. Erin was stood over the bed getting her clothes together when Jay comes through the door with a wheelchair, "Are you serious Jay?"she says

"Oh yes, you are on bed rest until our baby boy/girl is born?" he says with a smile.

"About that" she takes his hand and sits him down on the bed, "When you were in the hospital, i had some pains from hitting the floor so i went for a scan and she asked me if i wanted to find out and i did so i could tell you when i woke up so im just gonna say it, we are having a girl!"

Jay let out a massive smile and carefully wrapped his arms around Erin, "I'm so happy, we're gonna have a little princess."

He stands off the bed and takes her hand to pull her up, "Come on my lady, your carriage awaits" he says putting her in the wheel chair and wheeling her out the room. As they were leaving the hospital Erin got hundreds of hugs and goodbyes from the doctors, "Erin its like you're almost royalty in this hospital!"

"shut up Halstead!" she laughs.

The two leave the hospital in the car and drive home. when they arrive at the apartment Jay helps Erin to the couch, "I feel like such an invalid Jay!"

"I know babe but its safe to be an invalid then running around the streets as a Chicago detective, saying that I'm going to be late for work. Are you sure you are going to be ok without me?"

"Yes now go to work and save some lives or something" Jay stands there and stares at her, "Go, i have my cell phone and I will call you if anything happens."

He runs up to her and gives her a kiss before walking out the apartment door.

(Erin's POV)

I've been sitting on the couch for over two flicking through all the boring reality TV but i can't take it anymore so i pull myself up and waddle towards the bedroom and put on some clothes even though my t-shirt hardly fits me anymore. I walk out of my apartment and into the Uber, "where to?" he asked

"District 21 please" i knew i was going to get killed for this when i arrived, I'm in the back of the Uber when i get a sharp pain in my side, i take a few deep breaths forgetting about it and not even thinking anything of it.

Will Erin have Baby soon? Hope everyone enjoyed.xx 

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