Part Eight

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A few hours later

Adam was sat next to Kim holding her hand as Dr Halstead walked in,

" how is she?" Adam asked

"She's good she lost a lot of blood but hopefully she will wake up in few hours and make a full recovery. She will be on crutches for a little while though just while she's healing, I'll leave you two alone"

"Thanks will" Adam replied as he walked out the door

A few minutes later Kim woke up,

"Hey darlin, how are you feeling?"

"Like crap, where's Roman?" kim forced out as she was in pain

Adam didn't want to talk about Roman, "He's fine i didn't want him in here so i told him to go back to the district"

Even though she was in pain Kim still managed to roll her eyes, "Adam it wasn't Roman fault he pushed me down but it was already too late, please don't be mad at him!"

"Fine i'll call him and get him to come down" much to Adam's dismay.

At the district

"Okay lets finish the case for now its been a tough day everyone go home" Hank ordered as he stood leaning against his office door frame.

Everyone said goodbye and headed out of the district but Erin and Jay left together, 

"soooo... your apartment or mine?" Jay asked

"Ermm your tonight i think, you better not be a messy person Jay" Erin laughed

"Not at all Erin, don't worry about it" he said as he got into the passenger seat of the car.

What they didn't realize was that Hank had been watching through his office window and he saw them driving away together.

Jay got out the car and quickly ran round Erin's to open her door, he took her hand and lead her up the stairs to his door,

"This way mi-lady!"

"Haha, you think your hilarious don't you?"

"Just a little" Jay said as the opened his door.

Erin walked in and sat on the couch as Jay went to the fridge and got two beers, he sat as Erin laid in between his legs and turned on the TV. They watched telly for about an hour when Erin grabbed the remote and turned it off,

"Hey i'm watching that!" Jay protested as Erin turned round to face him

"I don't want to watch TV anymore" she said as she kissed him.

"yeah your right" Jay said as he picked her up and she wrapped her legs around him.

They began kissing and started walking down the hall as Jay crashed into the unit near the kitchen, "Are you okay?" Erin laughed

Jay made a noise to say yes and he carried on kissing her, they entered the bedroom and he kicked the door shut with his foot. He threw her onto the bed and she undid his belt and they laid down together kissing. It was the early hours of the morning when Erin woke due to Jay squirming in the bed,

"Mouse get up" Jay was shouting in his face but he wasn't responding. He shouted him again when Mouse opened his eyes, 

"Don't do that to me again, ok!" Jay pleaded as he began to stand up, " sure thing Halstead" mouse told him.

Jay never saw it coming but he did something he never does... he put his guard down and as he stood up, two bullets rippled through his back,

"Shit JAY!" mouse shouted as he grabbed his gun and shot the man right between the eyes.

Mouse grabbed Jay and pulled him onto his knees, "you stay with me now alright?" and Jay screamed in pain.

The next thing Jay knew was he shot up in his bed and quickly slipped out as Erin shouted him, " Jay what happened?"

"Nothing Er its fine just go back to sleep" she laid down and closed her eyes as she remembered when this happened at the hospital, she couldn't sleep all she could do was worry about him.

Erin laid in bed staring at the wall until she realized it was morning and she turned around to see the other side of the bed empty, Jay never came back to bed. She threw on a T-shirt and walked out of the room into the kitchen to see Jay sitting on the counter stool.

Erin approached with caution, " You never came back to bed, why?"

"I'm sorry it happened again, like it did at the hospital the same dream" Jay let out a sigh trying not to cry

"Hey its okay, I understand don't worry i'm always here for you" she put her arm around him and kissed his cheek.

"Thanks Er, lets get ready for work"

Jay and Erin walked away to shower as Erin had left some clean clothes in his apartment.

In the Bullpen

Jay and Erin walked up the stairs but before they could say hello Hank stormed out of his office, "Erin my office now!"

Jay looked at Erin as she turned around to look at as she closed the door.

" what's up?" she asked confusingly

" What are you playing at with Halstead and before you try and defend yourself, i know you left with him and i know you stayed at his apartment!" 

She could tell he was mad, " Hank nothing is going on!"

"I deserve an explanation now" he ordered 

"OK, Jay was in the army, they go through stuff when they leave, after the explosion his PTSD came back, he dropped me off at MY apartment and then last night he called me because he was anxious and then it happened again" she wasn't totally lying but she still couldn't tell him the whole story but at that point she was getting angry so she carried on, " SO when i have a FRIEND who needs help i'm going to help them so don't go start something when it hasn't even started!" she finished shouting not realizing everyone had heard her, she stood staring at Hank as she put her hand over her mouth as she felt like she was going to be sick.

(Jay's POV)

I see Erin walk out of the office and towards the locker room with her hand over her mouth so i stand up and follow her. I walk into the room to see the end of her being sick, so I walked up to her and pulled her into my chest

Her breathing slowed down as i heard her speak, " I'm late Jay"

"What did you say?" as i pulled her away to look at her. "I'm three weeks late in terms of time of the month late" She replied with a scared look on her face.

"Do you think your pregnant?" i asked with a smile

"Yeah im positive i feel different too... wait why are you smiling?" she asked 

" I'm smiling because i'm happy, you are the only person i want to have a baby. you're amazing and you're going to be an amazing mum.

"Parents Jay, were gonna be parents" she cried with a smile.

"Ugh i love you so much!" i said as we walked out the locker room.

(Nobody's POV)

That day Erin had gone home because she told Hank she was sick and Jay went round after he finished work and took a pregnancy test with him,

"Are you ready to do this?" he asked

"yes lets do this!" she said as she took the test and went into the bathroom.

Jay sat on the back of the couch waiting for Erin to come out, she opened the door and walked towards him with the test turned over,

"Okay its been two minutes and i want to do this together, are you ready?" she asked Jay, he nodded and she turned over the test...

Will it be positive or Negative, it will carry on next chapter. Hope everyone Enjoyed. xx

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