Part Fourteen

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(Erin's POV)

I wake up and realize I'm in a strange room.I try to stand up when i realize one of my hands is chained above my head, i try and pull it with my other hand but i got exhausted very quickly so i put my hand down and it flops onto my bump, the only thing I'm worried about is my baby, "We are going to be okay" i say while rubbing it.

I sit in silence until i hear voices from another room, shouting even, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY ARRESTED HIM?"

"They caught him when he was driving here but it doesn't matter, we still have her and they won't get her back until Spencer is out." I heard a man say.

Next i hear the door unlocking so i close my eyes and pretend im asleep but then i hear the guy, "wakey wakey!" I open my eyes to look at him,

"what do you want?" I ask.

"You're our leverage..." he says getting down on one knee, "you're ours until your team get our brother out of prison and you'll be safe unless they don't come through" he says putting his hand on my bump which makes me move, "Don't touch me, or my baby!" I shout until he hits me hard across the face with the back of his.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" i shout but he hits me again but this time harder making my nose bleed.

"please... let me go i have a baby to think about!" i plead

"There's no point, you're not going anywhere until we get our brother back, so get comfortable."

He shut the door and it went almost dark again, what am i going to do? They have to find me, they will find me.

(At Chicago med)

Will has been sat at Jays bedside for several hours waiting for him to wake up when Antonio walks through the doors,

"Hey Will, how's he doing?"

"We are still waiting for him to wake up it shouldn't be too long now, have you find Erin?" Will asked

"That what i came to talk to you about, We haven't found her yer and we are still looking"

"It's been hours, Antonio if he wakes up and she is not here, he's going to go crazy!"

"If he wakes tell him she's at home for now resting and if we don't find her in a few hours me and the team will come and tell him ourselves, Okay?"

"yeah okay. I'll call you later"

"Sure thanks, see you later" Antonio said walking away.

At the district

The whole district was full of patrolmen and the commander but Intelligence had already said it was their case. 

"Dammit it's already nearly been a day, we have to find her. Does anybody have any leads?" Hank shouted.

Everyone shook their heads which made Hank even more angry, "Ok get him out, Get Spencer out of prison we are getting Erin back today!"

The team made up their plan to get Erin and then he called a number which was in the bag to set up a trade. They were just planning it would go right.

(Erin's POV)

I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and i hear the door unlock. He walks through the door and unties me, 

"Stand up" He says. When i don't stand up, he shouts it again but this time he starts to hit me around my body and then he kicks me in the face, "Please, please stop!" I yell as i stand up.

I'm stood up and he handcuffs me, "Where are we going? i ask him.

"Well if we get our brother back, you are going home but for now we are moving" he snarls while pushing me out the door.

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