Part Thirty

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The Next Morning

Jay opened his eyes to see Ruzek asleep in the chair next to his bed. Jay didn't do anything, he didn't speak he just stared at the ceiling. After a few minutes Ruzek opened his eyes and saw Jay awake, "Hey man, how're feeling?" he didn't get an answer but he carried on talking,

"We haven't told Erin yet but she's at the district, she took a year out of work but she came back. Will and Nat are ok but Will did get shot so he's in recovery. Man your kids are amazing, Esme is only three years old but she's just amazing and Hope and Henry turned a year old a few weeks ago, Erin tells them about you and shows them pictures. We're all here for you man and trust me we are gonna help you"

Ruzek finished talking and Hank walked in the room, Hank walked to the side of his bed and both Hank and Ruzek saw Jay flinch, "Hey Jay, we are gonna tell Erin today, she'll be here soon"

Jay still didn't answer but he felt some relief because he knew his wife would be there soon.

Erin's POV
I was sat at my desk swinging on my chair when I heard my phone buzzing on the table. I picked it up and saw it was Hank, "Hey Hank"

"Hey Erin you need to come to Med" I heard him say.

"Why what's happened, is it Will?" I panicked

"No Erin just drive to Med and I'll meet you outside"

"Yeah yeah I'm on my way" I said putting my phone down and racing out of the district.

I got to the hospital and I could see Hank standing outside near the doors, "come on" he said as I approached him.

We got to ICU and I finally stopped him,"Hank what is going on?"

"A few days ago we got a tip off from the guy we arrested. We didn't just find Will and Nat yesterday." He didn't say anything he just carried on walking until he turned into a room. I followed him in still confused but when I looked up, I felt like my heart had been torn from my chest.

Nobody's POV
Erin looked up to see Jay lying in the hospital. She brought a hand up to her mouth and walked backwards until she hit the wall,"no no this can't be happening!" She said

"We found Jay in the car that we were chasing yesterday" Ruzek said as he was still sitting in the chair.

Erin froze and just stared at Jay, "Erin...Erin?" Hank said

"I just need a minute" she said walking out but she carried on walking and realised she had walked to Will's room. She stood at the door with tears streaming down her face and he looked up at her," you found out about Jay?"

"Will when did you find out?"

"Yesterday. They took me and Nat because they wanted us to help Jay"

"But he's dead and he's been dead for over a year. I buried him" she cried

"Erin we buried an empty casket that day. They kept him alive all this time" Will said

"What am I gonna do?" She asked

"Well he's your husband and he needs your help getting through this because believe me, he has a long way to come back"

Erin stood up and made her way out of the room and just as she got to Jay's room, she put her back against the wall and slid down it. A few minutes later Ruzek came out the door and saw Erin,"Hey Lindsey I know this is hard but Jay needs you. He's hurt physically but more mentally, he doesn't talk anymore and you're the only who can help him."

Adam grabbed her hands to help her stand up and she walked into Jay's room. Erin walked towards Jay bed and as he looked up at her he started to cry, so She slowly got on the bed next to him, "it's ok Jay, you're home and safe. We are all here for you. I'm here for you" she said while they both cried together.

Will's POV

I couldn't sit in this bed any longer knowing my brother was just down the hall so I grabbed the wheelchair which was next to my bed and slowly got up to sit in it. I wheeled myself down the hall until I reached Jay's room and when I went in I saw Jay and Erin asleep together. I got out of the wheelchair and sat in the chair which was next to Jay's bed. I sat and looked at my brother when I heard Nat come in, "I've been looking for you Will"

"I know I'm sorry I just couldn't sit in that bed any longer, He's my brother but I look at him and he seems so broken."

"Will he went through a traumatizing experience and its gonna take time for him to be the Jay we know again."

"I know I just hate to see him like this"

"I love you Will, I'll come check on you later" Nat said kissing him and walking away.

Jay's POV

I'm laying in the hospital bed and I can feel Erin next to me. I was happy she was finally by my side but I still couldn't move.I open my eyes to see Will in the chair next to my bed and Erin was asleep next to me. I grabbed Erin's hand and whispered, "Erin?"

She woke up straight away and sat up, "Jay are you alright?"

I nodded my head and just looked at her,"I'm sorry" I said

"No Jay you have nothing to be sorry for and it is over ok. you are back with your family" She said to me

I turned my head and looked back up at the ceiling. I didn't know how I could have my normal life back, I'm dead to most people, now i'm back and I will always be the guy that came back from the dead.

Two days later

Erin dropped the kids off at the district and went straight to the hospital. she pulled up at Med and walked upstairs to Jay's room, as she walked in Jay wasn't in his bed, she rushes to the the nurses station and sees April, "Where's Jay?"

"He was in his room, I haven't seen him come out"

"Oh god!" I said running back into Jay's room. I ran to the bathroom and the door was locked but I could hear Jay crying, "Jay, Jay open the door!"

Will walked in wondering what was going on, "Jay's locked himself in the toilet, he won't come out"

"Jay open the door!" He didn't open it so she kicked it three times when It finally opened and all Erin saw was the blood on the floor. She ran and got on the floor next to Jay holding his wrist to try and stop the bleeding. He turned to Erin and started sobbing as he curled up into a ball onto her lap. "Jay we need to stitch your wrist it's bleeding too much"

Jay stood up and Erin slowly walked him back to his bed. He sat on his bed and Will came to stitch his wrist up. After he was done Will turned to her, "Erin..."

"He's not going up to psych" Erin snapped

"Erin he tried to kill himself, he needs help"

"He has me. Please Will just leave now, I've got it from here"

Will left and Erin laid next to Jay in the bed while he hugged her and cried, "It's okay Jay, It's ok" Erin let him cry and she was finally beginning to realize how pain he had been under the past year.

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