Part Seventeen

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It had been a few days since Erin has had her baby and she was finally going home today. She was getting Esme ready to go when Jay came, to meet them,

"Are you ready to go babe?" Jay asked her

"Yeah will you grab Esme please, I'm still feeling a little fragile from surgery" 

"Sure thing, lets go home!" Jay said taking her hand

They walked through the hospitals and got many smiles and goodbyes from the doctors and nurses and then they run into Will, "There's my niece, how's she doing?"

"Better, she's still a little small but we are going home so it's progress, are you coming by later?"

"Yeah after shift, bye guys!" Will said running off to a patient.

The journey home was quite quick as they couldn't wait to get their baby home. Jay pulls up outside the apartment and helps Erin get out of the car and then Esme, they were so excited to get home but when they were walking towards there apartment door they saw someone they never expected to see.

(Erin's POV)

I couldn't wait to get home and spend time with Jay and Esme but then I saw someone who I never wanted to see again stood at our door,

"Bunny?" I ask

"Hey Erin, how are you?" she says smiling

"What do you want?"

"What makes you think I want something Erin, can i not just see my daughter" I watch her eyes and see them moved to Esme, "Who's this?" she asked me.

I really didn't want her meeting my daughter, "Jay take her inside please, I'll be in a minute." I watch Jay open and shut the door and then turn back round to Bunny, "You need to leave now, I am not doing this today I'm not doing this ever. You are not in my life, my boyfriends life and especially my daughter's life. Take this and leave now!" I say to her as i throw her some money but as the money falls to the floor and i see her lift her hand which smacks me right across the face.

"LEAVE!" I shout at her as she walks away.

I walk in and see Jay sat on the couch with Esme, "Are you ok?" he asked me as i sat down rubbing my cheek.

"Yeah, I will be. I just don't want her in my life anymore Jay!"

"Do you think she will come back?"

"I hope not because she doesn't even cross my mind anymore, all i care about is you and our princess" I say giving him a kiss as i put my head on his shoulder watching Esme sleep. 

I wake up and notice i have been asleep for a few hours but i can't see Jay anywhere, "Jay?" I shout as i look around the apartment, I run back into the living room and pick up my phone and dial Jay but there was no answer so next i decide to dial Hank,

"Hey Hank it's Erin, is Jay at the district?"

"No why, I thought you got discharged today?"

"Yeah we did and we came home together, I feel asleep but i just woke up and they are gone, there is no way Jay would have left with our daughter without waking me up or leaving a note, what shall i do?"

"Erin come down to the district and we will find him from here."

"'I'm on my way" I say putting the phone down and racing out of the apartment.

I'm driving to the district and all i can think about is how Bunny could be related to this, she knows people and i know what she can be like. As i pull up to the district, I run through the downstairs and race upstairs to see the whole team waiting, "Erin" Hank says hugging me.

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