Part Twenty-seven

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It had been a week and there was still no word about Jay. Erin got out of her car and walked towards the district with two baby carriers in hand and Esme by her side,

"You're still on maternity leave Erin, go home!" Hank said

"No, it's been over a week Hank, are you gonna find my husband or not?"

Antonio walked over to Erin, picked up Esme and gave her a hug, "We are looking Erin, we are gonna find him"

Erin sat in her chair behind her desk waiting for something to happen throughout the day but nothing happened concerning Jay. Erin packed her bags to leave when she saw Platt walked through the Bullpen into Hank's office, she stood and stared through the window and watched them talk for about ten minutes. Hank had spend the whole time waving his arms around when he finally walked out his office, "Ruzek get Burgess up here please"

"Hank what is going on?" Erin questioned as Kim got upstairs

"Kim's gonna take you home"

"No... no i bought my own car and I am capable of driving. Is this about Jay?"

"Just go home and I'll call you later" Hank said passing Erin her bags

"I can drive myself, I'll call Will and he'll come babysit so I can come back. Come on Esme!" Erin said grabbing the baby carriers and storming out.

Hank's POV

After I watched Erin get to the bottom of the stairs I put my head in my hand as I noticed the team look up at me, "What's going on Voight?" Antonio asked me

"The district was sent a video and it wasn't addressed to anyone so Platt watched it and..." Hank tried to explain

"Okay let's just watch it" Antonio said 

The team gathered around Antonio's desk and he pressed play, the team were completely speechless while watching the video and wasn't ready for what's to come next. The team watched as the huge knife was plunged into Jay's chest and he dropped to the floor.

"He can't be dead!" Ruzek said as he kicked his chair from underneath him

"we don't..." Antonio got cut off from a very similar voice, "I'm so sorry guys"

"Mouse what the hell are you doing here?" Hank shouted

"I was there... when... Jay got killed!"

Hank walked up to Mouse and got in his face, "What do you mean?"

"I was rolling with them guys but I had no idea they were like that, when I got back to the warehouse I saw jay chained to a wall. I had a plan to get him without getting us both killed but I wasn't quick enough" Mouse explained

"So he's dead?" Antonio asked

"They made me... drag his body out" Mouse cried

Hank took a deep breath and took his phone out, "Hey Erin could you come back to the district please?"

"Sure I'm on my way"

"Hank how are you gonna tell Erin that jay is dead?" Antonio asked

"I have no idea but I already feel like she is gonna be able to tell"

After about twenty minutes Erin arrived at the district, "Sorry Will took ages to come round to babysit"

Erin didn't get much of a reply and she looked around to see Antonio with his head in his hands and Ruzek who had been crying, "HANK, what's happened?" Erin said as tears started to form in her eyes.

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