Chapter 2

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"Well I can say one thing," Lorelai said as she zipped up the back of Rory's blue dress "I'm so glad that you're not showing yet and this dress still fits you! I do not need the stress of having to shoehorn my bridesmaid into her dress today".


"Okay, okay, I know we're not talking about it." Lorelai put her hands up and exclaimed. She stepped back to soak in the vision of her daughter. She took a deep breath and smiled "You look stunning Rory, really. The blue of that dress, it just matches your eyes perfectly."

Rory looked at her reflection in the full-length mirror that was propped in front of her "Yes mom, I have to admit, Miss Celine certainly does knows how to pick them" she smiled as she turned to look at her side profile in the mirror and ran her hand gently over her middle. As it was such early days, there were no outward signs of her pregnancy yet and she found it hard to imagine what she would look like in a few months. For now, she was going to enjoy what was probably going to be one of her last chances to wear something as glamorous as this full-skirted satin prom-style gown.

Lorelai watched her daughter deep in thought, not wanting to interrupt the moment that she was clearly having with herself. She could tell that beneath Rory's smile there was a hint of something else - Worry? Sadness? It was hard to tell what was going on inside of Rory but the emotions were mirrored in Lorelai's own feelings. That old lady in Titanic was right, Lorelai thought to herself. A woman's heart really is an ocean of secrets.

The wedding went off without a hitch - Lorelai and Luke were finally Mr and Mrs Danes and their spontaneous decision to get married the night before, had been completely the right thing to do. It took all the nerves away and allowed them to really enjoy the day with all their loved ones. Everybody had turned out for the wedding and Rory found it the perfect opportunity to catch up with her friends and family, knowing full well that soon everything would be changing. She desperately needed to talk to Lane about the situation but couldn't find the right moment as her hands were clearly full keeping tabs on Steve and Kwan. It will wait Rory thought to herself there's plenty of time.

"Rory, you look outstanding" Emily Gilmore announced as she wrapped her arms around her granddaughter "Simply outstanding. That dress is perfect on you, I just knew that style would work" Emily said, very pleased with herself, obviously having had some influence over Miss Celine's choices.

"Hi grandma" Rory smiled "Did you enjoy the ceremony?"

"I did Rory, very much" Emily nodded "I do wish that your grandpa had been here, though, it doesn't really feel the same without him"

Rory acknowledged Emily with a small nod. It was sad and the absence of Richard Gilmore, a character so much larger than life, was tangible. "He'd have loved to be here" Emily continued "but I'm not sure what he would have thought about the food" she whispered "I hear they are bringing burritos out later. I mean honestly, Mexican food at a wedding? I'm sure Lorelai does it just to wind me up!"

"Oh grandma" Rory laughed as she put her arm around Emily "it's not to wind you up, we just REALLY love Mexican food. Well, in fact, all food, but who can resist a burrito. Try it, you'll like it - remember when we had pizza? You were pleasantly surprised as I remember!"

"Hmm, we'll see Rory" Emily muttered "Oh there is Sookie, I must go talk to her and compliment her on the cake" Emily disappeared into the crowd.

As the night drew in, the fairy lights that Kirk had so perfectly positioned around the center of Stars Hollow lit up and cast a warm glow. It was time for the newlyweds to take to the floor for their first dance. "Mrs Danes" Luke bowed to his new wife "May I have this dance?"

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